Dixie Chicks

Maybe.... but then I would have to buy one more breed of chicken.

Actually... I just realized that the "olive eggers" that I have sold so far this year will only be 50% olive eggers and 50% very dark egg layers.

I am SUCH a dweeb.

Astonishing, really.


Maybe I should.... sell the Marans, and REPLACE them with some Ameraucanas.

Boggles my mind.... not a single person has wanted my very cute Bantams.... I had thought that there would be a market for the bantams.

I have some Bantam Blue Laced Wyandottes that aren't all that bad..... not a single person wants them!

No one has asked for my Bantam Blue Wheaten Ameraucana either ........ which would be a bummer... except that my one and only girl, though an awesome truly show quality specimen (and she better be... cost me way more than I should have spent) lays TERRIBLE!

Maybe.... but then I would have to buy one more breed of chicken.

Actually... I just realized that the "olive eggers" that I have sold so far this year will only be 50% olive eggers and 50% very dark egg layers.

I am SUCH a dweeb.

Astonishing, really.

Were they OE with FM? It will just make the 2nd generation (F2)-and the offspring will lay a darker green egg. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I have read different ways that people mix up the breeding of the OE. Most have an OE rooster and an OE hen to make OE chicks. But to make the egg darker, you need a FM or Welsummer. I could be wrong though, but that is what I have learned.

My girls are still not laying.....? We are trying everything. Last night temps were freezing and it was snowing and sleeting. I still have my borrowed incubator. Just waiting for eggs.

My new job is going well
Part time right? LOL! Last week I worked 43 hours and this week will be 32 hours. Oh well! I wanted full time anyways.

We separated most of our breeders into their own areas/ pens.

#1 We have some leghorn RIR mix that are white, gorgeous and lay a massive brown egg. We are breeding them with a leghorn RIR mix rooster. He is solid white and beautiful!

#2 I have the two young CCL roosters in with all of the OEs and EEs.

#3 We have a RIR breeding pen.

#4 We have a CCL breeding pen.

#5 We have a mix breeding pen. It is my SS rooster with Austrolorp, RIR, Dixie Rainbow, and Buff Orpington.

Next year Sue will have his own SS girls. They are on order now. I should be getting them on April 2nd. 10 straight run day old chicks. There better be some girls in there!!

Well, gotta get ready for work. You all have a good day. I'll try to post pics of my tomato and pepper plants later. They are doing well.

Maybe I should.... sell the Marans, and REPLACE them with some Ameraucanas.

Boggles my mind....  not a single person has wanted my very cute Bantams.... I had thought that there would be a market for the bantams.

I have some Bantam Blue Laced Wyandottes that aren't all that bad..... not a single person wants them!

No one has asked for my Bantam Blue Wheaten Ameraucana either ........  which would be a bummer... except that my one and only girl, though an awesome truly show quality specimen (and she better be... cost me way more than I should have spent) lays TERRIBLE!


Depends on where you are. There have been auctions around my area that bantams rule. I really like them, but since my customers want big chickens and biug eggs (some of my eggs are on the small side) I o ly have large fowl.

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