Dixie Chicks

I just camt.place them. They have yellow feet so they're not marans. And all the other breeds I can think of should have bright yellow legs. Have you tried posting that pic in the what is this breeds forums?
personally I thought black copper maran when I saw them...maybe they just dont have the right leg color because of hatchery stock?
As far as I can tell. If my bil would stop stealing all my eggs I'd have already set some. I need a replacement for Bucky in case he doesn't make it. He's still stumbling around and not making much progress.

Plus I want to see what ba crossed with a chantie looks like.
we need pictures of your chooks and the garden!!! how you been doing?
I love my EE although she's the hen that does not like to be anywhere near me. Everyone else has gotten very sweet with age. The EE just throws in that 1 green egg among all the brows from the Wyandotte and the Partridge Chanteclers...

In other concerns: I am off work in about half an hour: please keep your fingers crossed that the fox stayed out of my chicken run today!!
sooo how did things look when you got home??? the suspense is killing me :p

Quote: Marans should have slate legs and white/pink feet. The French and proposed US Marans standard call for feathers on the legs. Some people like the dark color of the Marans eggs but don't like leg feathers so if not showing, can bred away from feathered legs.
Javas and Jersey Giants should have slate legs and yellow soles of the feet.
The legs of the rooster look slate and you said he had yellow soles so mini is right....not Marans....maybe a cross of a Java or JG with something with red. The hen looks like her legs are willow (term used for greenish-yellow of chicken legs). They don't look like the same breed to me. Did you get them as chicks? How old are they?
Marans should have slate legs and white/pink feet.  The French and proposed US Marans standard call for feathers on the legs. Some people like the dark color of the Marans eggs but don't like leg feathers so if not showing, can bred away from feathered legs.
Javas and Jersey Giants should have slate legs and yellow soles of the feet.
The legs of the rooster look slate and you said he had yellow soles so mini is right....not Marans....maybe a cross of a Java or JG with something with red.  The hen looks like her legs are willow (term used for greenish-yellow of chicken legs).  They don't look like the same breed to me.  Did you get them as chicks?  How old are they?

Yes I got them as chicks prob few days old at TSC from the same bin. Got them in February almost 5 months old now. The hen most ppl say is sex link
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That would be an interesting cross. I am running over with brahma cross eggs. Let me know if u feel like filling your bator.
I will. I'm waiting for the chicks to get a little bigger so I can get them out of the grow out pens. If the grow outs aren't empty I won't even think about setting eggs.

Quote: I've been pretty good. I actually got some video of some of the younguns today. I hate watching the videos. I sound weird.



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