Dixie Chicks

BC, sounds like me last yr trying to figure out how my mountain cur got a huge gash in his shoulder. I tried to eliminate all sharp looking spots on his dog house. Any nails, metal flashing on the porch (yeah his dog house is nice, has a porch) he dug under the house, all sharp rocks were bashed by hammer. I don't know how it happened but I eliminated all suspects. I now swear by Lambert Kay EMT gel from TSC, collagen gel, it is amazing on wounds. The dog should have had stiches and $$$ poured into him. That stuff healed it up like you wouldn't have believed, no scar either. And is ok to use on mammals and birds, chickens even reptiles.
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Checked on the chicks, haven't had the brooder light on them since they got banned to the garage. They were stinking to much in the house and the light kept them up all night. I was worried about how hot it can get in there, but I have both high windows open. The temp has got down into the 50s at night, they are very hardy, running around like crazy. I was going to turn the garage lights off at night but at those temps I figured it was better if they are active. Little ********, I don't know how they done it but I have a 1/2 inch piece of wood stuck through the boxes, it was pulled out again! The silkies roosted on it, these guys must see it as a challenge and somehow pull it out! Two times now! Their brooder box is huge, and they love it and are runnin, and flyin,now.
@JulesChicks another couple good dual purpose heritage breeds, buckeye's and new hampshire's. If you can find breeder quality nh they are fast growing and meaty, same with delaware's.
If only I could have every breed of chicken I've ever wanted :-(
Thank you Beer, I have considered those but I would like something docile enough for my kids to handle a lot - especially my 5 year old. On second thought, she's becoming quite tough. She's been catching and holding the girls we got as POL pullets with no prior handling. Chicken whisperer in training. The breeds known more for friendliness, being docile and are heritage are really appealing (like the Doms)

Yes, I have Partridge Chantecler girls. Hoping to increase my flock this fall. I have a breeder near by who sells hers started only, no eggs, no chicks. And those are her culls. They are a lovely, winter hardy breed. Love them for it!

With AI, you might have better luck getting hatching eggs across the border then anything live and even then the seller will need to be certified clean I would think.
@minihorse927 might know a little bit here on importing into the US from Canada.

I would check in the Ontario area, I think there are a couple breeders out that way or in the Kelowna, BC area. They did have AI in the Vancouver area, so if I don't know if that area is still on lock down to exporting into the US.
I will keep this in mind if and when we decide to add to our flock - who am I kidding? When.

SandHill Preservation Center has Partridge Chanteclers. I can't say that I would recommend SandHill though, my experience with them wasn't great, but if you can't find anywhere else. Just be prepared for a long wait.
The white j giants and red sussex I got from them are doing awesome. Growing great and very active.
Took a picture of a giant, they're turning white now, and the lone langshan but wasn't going to post it after looking at it, not fluff butts anymore, they are in the ugly mangy stage, Lol!
Aww, they're still cute! How do you like the Langshans? I was also looking in to those because I was intrigued after seeing you were waiting (and waiting) on some and that they are a heritage breed as well. Does Sand Hill breed towards SOP? I received birds from a breeder who "are preserving rare breeds" - my a**! Of the 6 we got, the three younger ones had to be culled (and were scrawny compared to my other Marans and the CL were wrong for other reasons) - long story, but they ended up being positive for MG on a blood test and a culture. One arrived with a runny nose and then 2 followed suit a week or so later. This continued on for a bit while I tried to treat naturally, then took to vet for testing, eventually decided to treat with abx against my better judgement, saw zero improvement in 9 days and decided to cull 2 days later. The three older POL pullets that were in the quarantine tractor with them have never gotten sick, though are most certainly carriers. At this point it's in my flock (since I unknowingly probably tracked it around before knowing just how contagious chicken diseases can be). All others are healthy, but it's been a rough 2 mos dealing with this - and I'm not sure what I will do going forward. The only way to really get rid of it is to cull all the birds, disinfect and begin again in a month - but then a wild bird could bring it in and then I culled everyone for nothing. So frustrating.

I use voles

@JulesChicks i really like my Dominiques... Their color might not be flashy, but they stay pretty looking all year round. (Nice strong feathers, don't look muddy etc.)
Not looking muddy is a good thing ;) For reasons stated above, I have considered culling our flock and starting over with Doms in the spring - but I really don't want to do that. I have 13 beautiful and healthy birds. Ugh. How are the Doms with your youngest children?

Poor quail...

Outpost, sorry but I'm no good with colors... I like all cool colors, lol...

Little out of it, got a nasty concussion yesterday... still a bit dizzy and nauseous... good note, sold a bunch of chicks and thinned out my flocks...

@JulesChicks welcome back!

Hands down, my lf Araucanas are my most snuggly... have 2 pullets that'll fly up to my shoulder and 'talk' to me if I don't talk to them first... thanks for the compliment on my Am's, they're my 2nd most social... if I don't pick them up, they'll try to jump into my arms... Cream Legbars are stand offish and a bit flighty, so are my Sulmtalers, but my Sulmtaler roo is a big baby, lol... Marans are ok, but bull-headed... still growing out Ohiki, but they seem the most curious and intelligent next to my Araucanas and Am's... got rid of my Wellies cuz they were a bit crazy... my Australorp girls are pretty and calm though... like them a lot...
Be super super careful with that concussion please! Did you get checked out? Please take care of yourself while your brain heals
Stay away from computers and tv as much as possible, get rest, etc, etc...
I had no idea that Araucanas were that snuggly. I actually haven't researched that breed specifically come to think of it. So far, of the breeds I have my Ams are my favorites (even with those darn yellow legs on 2 of them! - BTW I did politely mention to the breeder the feeds I used and verified there was no Marigold Extract in them, never heard back
). I got 2 Wellies from him too, one is sweet as pie, the other picked the back feathers off the 4 Ams in one afternoon about 5 or so weeks ago. I separated them and they grew back in nicely. We just put them into the second coop that is just now chicken ready tonight - all 6 together- so fingers crossed there is no picking! They have an 8x8 coop for the 6 of them so there better not be! If there is that girl is going in with the Marans that are about 17 weeks old (with a nice roo that should keep her in line). I am soooo happy this coop is ready for them now. We have more to do to it - poop tray, main roost, nesting boxes, paint outside, but at least the structure is solid and ventilated. Oh, shoot, and the run! Always something around here.

I've got to checkin elsewhere and head to bed. Good night all :)
Checked on the chicks, haven't had the brooder light on them since they got banned to the garage. They were stinking to much in the house and the light kept them up all night. I was worried about how hot it can get in there, but I have both high windows open. The temp has got down into the 50s at night, they are very hardy, running around like crazy. I was going to turn the garage lights off at night but at those temps I figured it was better if they are active. Little ********, I don't know how they done it but I have a 1/2 inch piece of wood stuck through the boxes, it was pulled out again! The silkies roosted on it, these guys must see it as a challenge and somehow pull it out! Two times now! Their brooder box is huge, and they love it and are runnin, and flyin,now.
Forgot to respond to this post...Beer, have you heard of the mama heating pad? I made one for my chicks and it's awesome! I hated having a light on them and them having to have a light on at night for warmth. I like how the pad mimics a broody hen and they can self regulate and have it dark to sleep and they feather out faster and I think are generally hardier. Check out this thread if you like:

Maybe for next time you have chicks?
Oh, yes, I remember seeing you there Deb. I don't think I ever posted there, just read the first many many pages and I was sold. I'll never brood in the house again! I will make a small protected space in the main coop with the mama heating pad. It will be easier to integrate the chicks with the flock that way too.
Well, now I'm finally off to bed - all the midwest and east coast peeps must already be there....good night again...
I've kept mine at $2.50 dozen. Mind you, I have neighbors down the road selling theirs for $1.50. I am not lowering my price. The grocery has theirs $3-$5 dozen.

Thanks for the opinions on the log splitter and on the wall color. My brother & his girlfriend came over yesterday when I got home from work, so visiting with him was more important than taking pictures of my dining room and kitchen. I'll try to get some today after work. The kitchen is about to be partially gutted. The pipes have burst 2 winters in a row and they have had to cut holes in the floors to get to and fix the pipes. Also a leak has been ongoing in the kitchen sink area and has destroyed the countertop. It was that way when we bought the place, but has progressively gotten worse. You do what you can with what you have to work with, right?

@hennible ,
I am so sorry. Did your neighbors compensate you or at least acknowledge the fact that their dog did this? Don't let this get you down. Maybe we could all pull together & ship you out some chickens and ducks! We're up to around 145, so I could ship you 20 or so & wouldn't hurt me!

@ApiaryandAviary , How's it going?

@Amberjem , Hope all is going well with you. Our amberlink pullets are doing awesome. Because my DD sees the names of you all here on BYC, she now calls our amberlinks "amberjems". I corrected her, but I still think it's cute!

Not sure who asked for opinions on the chicken breeds, but here is my 2 cents:

Jersey Giants-good natured, good broody, a bit flighty.
Austrolorp-good natured, good broody, friendly, curious, good egg layers. One of my favorites.
Rhode Island Red-good natured, friendly, curious, good egg layers.
Barred Rocks-good natured, smart, good egg layer but the eggs are generally smaller than I'd like.
Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers-friendly, sweet, love the colored eggs, the size of the eggs are smaller and some lay less frequent (like once a week
French Marans-Nice, but do not lay very frequently.
Buff Orpington-Friendly, curious, good egg layer, grows large very quickly. Good dual purpose bird. Another of my favorites.

I have about a dozen other breeds in my flock, so if you need opinions on more, let me know.

Anyone else having chickens going molt? Poor chickens. At least they have time to grow more feathers before it gets cold. Have a great day!
Family meeting today.
We will see what all the VAMC Doctors think and recommend.
As his mother I reserve the right to be the only person abke to say this....My son is a a Space Cadet and I would never say that within his ears reach nor is anyone else to say that.
He thinks, says and does the weirdest things.
He has not hurt anyone nor taken from anyone BUT he sure does think and say and not have a clue.
Thanks for asking.

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