Dixie Chicks

Remember injured quail #2? I was concerned she lost her eye. Well, her injury has healed more so that the eye lids are coming apart and there is an eye!!
Injured quail #1 has been with the older pair for a few days now and presented me with her first egg today! She has recovered fine!
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Good morning all! I have nights where I cannot sleep whatsoever. Well, it usually happens once or twice a month. It's already happened 3 or 4 times this month
. I got about 2 hours of sleep and that was interrupted because I kept waking up. I'm going to have to figure out what is keeping me from sleeping. I take all my vitamins in the morning & I don't drink caffeine for the most part. It's going to be a long day at work! Right now, I'm chugging coffee.
Sorry you are "non-24" JWB. I got up after hearing an early morning news report about a 6.9 earth quake in Alaska...hoping to find an "all ok" from Alaskan here. Hope you find some sleep later!

Edited to add...the report was from "Fox Island" apparently, far out in the Aleutian Islands, not close to anything inhabited really.
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Good morning all!

Good morning all!  I have nights where I cannot sleep whatsoever. Well, it usually happens once or twice a month.  It's already happened 3 or 4 times this month:th .  I got about 2 hours of sleep and that was interrupted because I kept waking up.   I'm going to have to figure out what is keeping me from sleeping.  I take all my vitamins in the morning & I don't drink caffeine for the most part.   It's going to be a long day at work!  Right now, I'm chugging coffee.    :caf

Outpost, I went off of coffee in March, then all caffeine in May (including black tea) when I was on a healing diet. I've found my adrenals can't take the caffeine. Last week I started up again and my sleep has been terrible all week- only on tea or 1-2 cups of coffee early in the day. In May my chiropractor recommended her nightly supplement routine to me for rest and relaxation - magnesium in the powdered form, it's called Natur Calm and L-tryptophan. The latter is an amino acid that if you take it away from protein it converts to serotonin in the brain and helps with mood and sleep. These have really been helping me, so I'm going back to this routine and no caffeine. As an added benfefit, I think the magnesium has helped my chronic severe tension headaches (which usually last 3-5 days). I'm not sure what supplements you're taking but maybe these will help? I am now alternating between Tulsi tea and roasted dandelion root tea. Both are great for different things. I don't like fruity teas, so these help me not miss coffee so much!
Good luck with getting a good night sleep. My world tends to fall apart when I'm not sleeping (with 2 young children).

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