Dixie Chicks

Deb, you're getting better and better! I wish I had the patience for it. I don't have the patience for a lot of things.

I need to get another pic of the chicks. They're feathering out more since I kicked them out in preparation for the CCL hatching. Thankfully there are no Cornish Crosses, but I really do think I've ended up with some Rainbow Rangers. I think most of the white chicks are White Chantecler/ Black Australorp, though.

thank you... I too have no patience.... or very little. But these seem to be intensely absorbing to do....

I need this in my life....
How are the chicks, Raz??
A mess! :lol: The EHAL chicks have reached the ugly chick stage. I lost my female CCL. Failure to thrive, but the boys are doing great. In fact, they have company in the form of another assortment. I'll learn one day. I swear I will. But I've got some breeds I've never had before, so I absolutely will not complain.

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