DIY brooder for 30 chicks?

Hi all!

We are nearly finished constructing the 12x8 coop, looking towards completing a 30x20 run, and feel like it’s a good time to think about ordering chicks! We are planning on 30 chicks (assuming some casualties will occur) and I’m trying to find DIY solutions for a brooder (or 2) that will get our chicks from day-old to coop-ready in the next several weeks.

Anyone have ideas, plans, pics for how they did it with about 20-30 chicks?

Thanks in advance!
A big tote flipped upside down makes a great brooder . The chicks can huddle underneath the tote to stay warm or get out from underneath it to cool off. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tote to hang a light thru so the chicks can hover under it the light while huddled under the tote.Use 2 x 2's for legs and attach with screws. The legs will need to be raised as the chicks get bigger (need more head room under the tote)
No, you were right the first time. Cedar can kill chicks. The scent is overpowering and toxic to them, should always use pine if you’re gonna use wood shavings for bedding
No, if you read the whole thread, you will see that they were right the second time.

First time, they said cedar shavings were good.
Second time, which you quoted, they said they meant to say pine (as in, pine shavings are good.) That was after someone else pointed out that cedar is bad.

By this time, everyone is saying the same thing in various ways: cedar shavings bad, pine shavings good.

(By the way, this thread is from September of 2021, so it's not really an ongoing discussion any more. Of course it is still useful for people researching brooder ideas.)
this is what we've used for up to 40 chicks, it's set up to block it off in the middle while they're small and the open up the whole 5x8 brooder once they get big enough. it has a lift off lid with plastic poultry netting to keep everyone inside. we've raised 4 sets of babies in it and it's been great! we use two comfort brooder warmers when they're small, and then typically leave on in unplugged once they start to feather out so they have a place to hide if they want to. we also have only used tractor supply pine shavings for bedding with no issues whatsoever.
welcome and happy chickening!
This is so cool! How long are they ok inside of that?
I've got a huge pile of mixed shavings. I'm pretty sure there is SOME cedar in it but it's mostly pine and also has some hardwood, mostly oak. Can I use it? The chickens are already scratching in it with no ill effect that I can see.

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