I’ve been throwing LOTS of seed since October in an attempt to grow pasture for my little flock and they love it! I’ve been getting a chicken forage blend, plus grass seed mixes, and even occasional sprouting seeds meant for human consumption. I don’t bother covering it, so the chickens and wild birds end up eating a bunch of it before it gets a chance to sprout. No biggie on the grass seed, as it’s inexpensive. However, the other stuff is getting pricey. So I’m going to try making my own mix. Since the soy-free, corn-free grower feed my girls love has a first ingredient of milo, I was thinking of adding sorghum to my homemade seed mix. Are milo and sorghum the same thing? Any reason not to throw sorghum? I think it gets huge like corn, but can’t imagine it ever getting that big in my yard, as the chickens will eat most of it, plus I mow it. Just thinking whatever seed makes it into sprouts might be super nutritious and protein rich. Thoughts?