Do any of you hold back?

Those with pet chickens can't suddenly begin to view them as livestock, and those with livestock chickens can't suddenly fall in love with them as pets.

I've often wondered about this kind of thinking and it seems to be quite prevalent on this forum. There can't be a grey area in there?

I have chickens as livestock and I also value them as I would if they are my pets. I take a serious view of my animal husbandry for all my animals. I don't vet my dogs for every little booger hanging out of their noses and attempt to treat them as much as possible here at home. I would do the same with my chickens. An animal in pain is an animal in is a matter of perspective. I love my animals enough to not want them to suffer....I love all my animals in this manner.

Chickens, by their very nature and body structure, are more fragile than dogs or even cats in some ways. If they get injured by a predator or are very sick with some illness, their systems are more difficult to assess and treat. Their bodies are less easy to palpate and investigate. Even most vets won't attempt to treat in the world do you think a lay person will fare at it?

Thusly, when an animal of this nature is suffering and in severe pain, often the more humane treatment is none at all and a quick and merciful death. If my dog or cat were injured or ill in the same manner and it was difficult even for the vet to determine the nature of the injury or the illness, then the humane thing to do would be to put them down. Whether this be in the vet office or at home, I always take responsibility for my animals and I do not let them suffer just because I am too weak-Kneed to do the dirty deed.

Be they considered pet or livestock, killing an animal is never an easy choice...even for your food supply. But then, when one decides to own and be responsible for an animal they shouldn't be so naive as to think that their care is ever easy. Everything dies eventually and that's just life. If one is not strong enough to handle the bad parts then they shouldn't even contemplate getting the fluffy little chick in the first place.

I don't think we differ from livestock vs. pets, I think we differ on what the definition of love really is.​
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I've often wondered about this kind of thinking and it seems to be quite prevalent on this forum. There can't be a grey area in there?

There are definitely gray areas in there and I agree with everything you said. I just meant that the way an owner views their chickens won't change because someone tells them that their way is better. I've seen some posts where the debate takes an 'I'm right and your wrong' attitude about how someone should feel about their flock. And no one is right or wrong, we all care about our birds or we wouldn't be here on this forum. It's about taking care of your animals to the best of your ability regardless of whether they are pets, livestock, or somewhere in between, and that includes ending their suffering when it becomes necessary. Some people will spend hundreds of dollars to vet their chicken while others think that's ridiculous. Neither should be criticized for their decisions, as long as they are being responsible chicken owners. To me, that's the most important thing.
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