Do baby chicks eat in the night time?

I think Im codependent or something.... I want a light on in there for them but want them to also get used to it getting dark. Its a dimmer light switch for the light so I think Im going to brighten it just a tad bit more for them just for a few more weeks. lol...
I do not have food and water in the coops. They eat during the day and sleep at night. If they don't have enough light to see the food they won't eat it. Chickens eyes are such that they see poorly in the dark. This is why preds can pick them off. It all has to do with "cones" and "rods" and light.

This is why commercial egg producers keep the lights on 24/7. So they eat 24/7 and lay more eggs.
I understand when their grown theyre okay to sleep all night long but my concern is their 4 weeks old.
If I turn the light dimmer up a bit more so they can see the food dish even though its still not fully bright would that be a good idea?

Are there any codendent chicken owners out there beside me?
We get what you're saying. They will be fine without the light. They won't starve. Like I said, a chick under a broody wouldn't get up in the middle of the night for a snack. If the light is off the chicks will sleep, not eatp. They're old enough it's fine. Sounds like you'll be paranoid anyway and want to hear that the light needs to be on so might as well just leave it.
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Once on the roost with lights out, they stay there until sunup or lights on. Something you might want to try is to check their crops before they go down. It should be full and feel like a large knot. That means they have filled up for the night. Come daybreak, they will fill up again.

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