Do bantams mature at the same rate as LF


MO Hick Chick
10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
THis is probably a stupid question but do bantams lay at about the same age as large fowl chickens? I'm wondering at what age I can expect eggs from my bantam ameraucanas. I had thought they were way too young but I've been hearing one of them crow so I'm wondering when to expect the females to lay.
Well I wouldn't be holding my breath on eggs from that pullet that crowed...LOL!
Yes, bantams are supposed to mature at about the same rate as LF chickens...probably around 5 months.
I agree, somewhere around 5mts. My bantam hens layed great then decided to stop for a few weeks and started again. Bantams go broody very easily. They will lay really good for a long stretch then just up and not lay or a while. They are fun though and I would not trade in my Bantams for anythings

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