do buff orpingtons roost on a perch

I don't have buff orps, but I have wyandottes, and I needed to show them where to roost. I got them at 9 weeks, and they didn't understand to go into the coop at night, so I would put them in there, and for the first two nights they slept on the floor of the coop. I put them up on the roost and they jumped down. The third night I put them up and put more hay on the ground, and when I came out in the morning to let them out they were still up there. I came back an hour later and they were still there, I think they were scared to jump down because of the extra hay I had put down! So I put them into the run, and they finally understand and get up and down themselves at night. They just need a little coaxing and encouragement so that they know what they "should" be doing!
I have a small flock of six. Mine perch every night to sleep and will perch during the day, especially if it is hot outside.
I have 2 orps and a RIR that dont roost. They also wont let me touch them to put them on a perch. They will hardly leave the run, I am hoping they get brave soon so they are easier to manage. Is there really anything wrong with the sleeping in the dirt? I am guessing they are 3 months old.
I have a similar issue. I have two black sex links 8 months old. the jump on the roosting bars each taking one. The bars are long enough fo for chickens each and there are two of them at the same height. Each black sex link hens take one bar then pecks my two buff orpingotons when I put them on the roost bar. The buffs will not jump onto the bars themselves. They go into the roosting boxes to sleep and this is no good as they poop in there. So every nite i fight to grab them and place them on the roosting bar. When the sex link hens try to peck them i squirt them with water. This has been going on for 8 weeks. Im so done. What a pain. What else can I do?
I have a similar issue. I have two black sex links 8 months old. the jump on the roosting bars each taking one. The bars are long enough fo for chickens each and there are two of them at the same height. Each black sex link hens take one bar then pecks my two buff orpingotons when I put them on the roost bar. The buffs will not jump onto the bars themselves. They go into the roosting boxes to sleep and this is no good as they poop in there. So every nite i fight to grab them and place them on the roosting bar. When the sex link hens try to peck them i squirt them with water. This has been going on for 8 weeks. Im so done. What a pain. What else can I do?
Put up more roosts?
My Buff Orp is a huge roo and he roosts on the rod every night (even though it slightly bends everytime he gets on it:)

And the new 3 week old chicks are allready roosting and love it!

You should change it if it's bends roosters are heavier than hens and prefer higher up in corners so they can observe his hen

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