Do Cats Eat Chickens?

My parents have seramas and for the first time they had an incident. They came home and a dead chicken was in the mudroom. I'm pretty sure it was their bengal cat. He's the one that chases the chickens. He'll be kept inside from now on!
No, No, No, don't shoot cats!!!!
On the other hand they will indeed eat chickens but mostly the small ones. And once they learn about eggs you can forget ever gathering any more if the cat can get in the coop!
A medium size cat can grab an egg and run off with it, and will soon discover how to steal it from the hens even if she is a good protector of the nest.
But PLEASE don't harm the kitty!!!! Find a better way to house your birds.
Just my 2 cents worth

Shooting cats is a terrible thing!
Most of the times they don't die but they only get injured and suffer through it.
If you've spent some money to setup a coop please spend a little more and get a humane deterrent for cats or other animals around your area. I hope this link helps most of you who think shooting cats is the only solution.
I have warned and warned this cat's owners. They obviously do not care. I do not have a whole lot of sympathy for cats. One bit me on the back of my leg. That got infected and to this day I have scars and a limp that remind me why I hate cats so much. Plus, it does not help that a different cat killed 4 of our chickens and a clutch of 3 chicks. No, I don't like cats at all, and if the owners of these cats care about there beloved pets, then they'll heed my warning!
Wow I always knew a cat would grab a young chicken but before reading this I never knew they would or could take an adult. I grew up in a rural area that everyone had chickens and cats and they seemed to co exist very well. I know our cats would hang out in the chicken coop and they would keep the rodents down we would occasionaly lose a baby but usualy the momma hen would keep the cats away. We actually had a broody hen with chicks attack and kill a young kitten she cornered in the run it was sad. Our cats where always well fed but they where outside cats and they did a great job keeping the rodents under control. Cats are natural predators and I have no doubt if they decided to prey on chickens they could, guess I need to keep an eye on the strays that hang around the farm so far they seem to leave the chickens alone.
No, No, No, don't shoot cats!!!!
On the other hand they will indeed eat chickens but mostly the small ones. And once they learn about eggs you can forget ever gathering any more if the cat can get in the coop!
A medium size cat can grab an egg and run off with it, and will soon discover how to steal it from the hens even if she is a good protector of the nest.
But PLEASE don't harm the kitty!!!! Find a better way to house your birds.
Just my 2 cents worth
i agree with you %100 never hurt the kitty! what if your chicken got away to your neighbors property and they had a bug farm and she started eating the bugs and they shot her that would be no different! how would you feel if that happened? THINK ABOUT THE KITTY THE NICE SWEET CUTE KITTY!
I have warned and warned this cat's owners. They obviously do not care. I do not have a whole lot of sympathy for cats. One bit me on the back of my leg. That got infected and to this day I have scars and a limp that remind me why I hate cats so much. Plus, it does not help that a different cat killed 4 of our chickens and a clutch of 3 chicks. No, I don't like cats at all, and if the owners of these cats care about there beloved pets, then they'll heed my warning!
never hurt kittys it is nodifferent then a neighborkilling YOUR hen or roo
... Cats can't help but go after a is in their nature...
Despite the Roman statesman Claudius telling the world 2,000 years ago that, "All kitty thinks about is murder."

The US government just announced that cats murder 3.7 billion birds every year in the United States. In fact cats are by far the largest killer of birds in this country, surpassing pesticides, collisions with windows, hunting, and every other man made cause of bird mortality.

Yes I know that all birds are not chickens but all chickens (and other poultry) are birds, well you get the idea.

If you would like a lighter take on bird killing cats maybe this message by Adlai Stevenson to the 66Th session of the Illinois Legislature will provide comic relief.
i agree with you %100 never hurt the kitty! what if your chicken got away to your neighbors property and they had a bug farm and she started eating the bugs and they shot her that would be no different! how would you feel if that happened? THINK ABOUT THE KITTY THE NICE SWEET CUTE KITTY!

I think if my chickens were roaming onto their property more than once and that I had been warned than I am not being a responsible owner. So, if they kill my chicken then it was really my irresponsibilty that killed the chicken. I mean if my dog is chasing some guys cattle or horses he is gonna get a bullet. Heck if he is chasing mine he is gonna get a bullet. All animals have a job/place if they fall out of line they get removed or killed depending on the situation (3 strikes rule here) We live in the country but any "stray" cats snooping around and they are gone! Our dog only lets our cat roam the others get treed and then shot.

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