Do Cats Eat Chickens?

I don't live in town and most shots are 100yrds or better. I'd rather use a .223 but since I don't own one yet the -06 will have to do. Shotgun is useless at that range. I started out using 22 but at that range its too easy to wound. I don't want a wounded/suffering animal running around. 1 shot one kill.

When something is in your chickens there is not such thing as over kill.
first off if its an adult feral(yes,domestic) cat and its hungry it MAY try. i neuter ALL ferals,strays whatever shows up and leave food out during the day so they have no concern for adult chicks could be vulnerable if let out cause they're tiny.
While I Agree that a 30-06 is much more than you need, if you know what is down range I would not hesitate. Still, not my primary choice though. Respectfully, I have to strongly disagree about using a dove load (#7 or smaller shot) on anything larger than a squirrel. I wouldn't even use bird shot on a rabbit. I personally use a 2 3/4 inch high brass #4 pheasant in 12 ga. I've had cripples with bird shot, and that is not a fun feeling. #4's do the job right the first time without any suffering if you hit them in the head or central body cavity. My standby loads are two #4's followed by three slugs, that will take care of any predators, four or two legged.
One afternoon the coop was open and the hens were free ranging. I found the neighbors cat sleeping in a nesting box. She thinks the hens have Hilton accomodations. She doesn't bother the girls. I think it is because she is well fed at home.
My little old lady outdoor kitty shows no interest at all. Of course she's not interested in the small birds or rodents either. At one point my spoiled young male indoor kitty got out. As soon as he did he took off after the chickens, I caught him mid leap. Oh yes, he would have killed them, and enjoyed every minute of it. And yes, he's very well fed, but his mantra is "kill, maim DESTROY!"
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We have a small flock. Up until last night we had 4 hens. 2 silkies, 1 orphington, 1 sussex. Last night we found Ruth, the slightly slow & goofy silkie dead in the yard. I'm pretty certain our well fed house cat killed her. My wife and my daughter were a total mess all evening. The only sign it was the cat was some broken blood vessles under the neck feathers.

As for the proper round for feral cats, I'm a fan of the .22 Magnum. It has a lot more power and reach than a .22 Long Rifle. It can reach a lot farther and the CCi Stinger bullet expands significantly upon impact on small game. You will not have the over penetration of .223 and the scarey-long trajectory a 30-06 riccochet is capable of generating.

Here's a cat video for anyone that thinks a house cat isn't capable of taking down anything in your back yard:

Cat versus Gator
i use a airsoft gun to rid my yard of most pests. its sporting and as long as you make every shot count it can < at least sometimes> be used as an effective deterent, without harming your neighbours beloved family members... house cats learn well. it might not work so well on hungry wild ones... works on raccoons too, but they keep comming back. also good for keeping crows out of the garden.

as an after thought, i use biodegradable bullets, but they probably wouldnt be to healthy for chickens to eat.

btw cats and raccoons are edible. smileyface

We have 2 grown cats and 4 kittens. The cats love going out with me to feed our chickens and the kittens have a great time stalking the roosters. Maybe wild cats, but cats raised with your chickens seems to be no problem, at least with ours.

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