Do Chickens & Bunnies Like each Other?? do they make good room mates??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jan 20, 2010
Ok, Im building a coop *similar* to this see how on this one has storage on the left, well wat if on the right, I took the same amount of space & made a bunny house... & then the bunnies & chickens could be in the run together.... (my run is going to be tall though... im putting this in an L shape around my shed so i plan to put the coop & run roof in line with the shed roof...) So! do bunnies & chickens like each other? would the chickens try to eat the bunnies?

Also, has anyone ever tried this? It looks like something I'd think they would enjoy....
If you search the "other livestock and pets" section of the BYC forum you can find a bajillion threads about keeping rabbits in with chickens, in all various ways. Summary: some people do it, but it is not risk-free. There are diseases that chickens can carry that can be transmitted to rabbits and be quite serious for the rabbits, although if overall living conditions are clean and the rabbit is kept robustly healthy this is less likely to be a problem. Mostly they seem to get along fairly peaceably but some people report chickens injured or killed by being mated by male rabbits, or bitten/kicked and others have reported rabbit eye injuries from chickens pecking. You need to arrange things so their feed is separate, and a run needs to be MUCH more digproof for rabbits than just for chickens. I would suggest reading a bunch of those threads and then you can decide whatcha want to do.

GOod luck, have fun,

I have raised chickens and rabbits together for about 12 years now. they get along GREAT, neither bothers the other. When the rabbits have young ones, they simply go into a corner, make their nest and the chickens tend not to bother them. once the little ones start hopping around it is funny to see the chickens reaction. at first I was afraid they would think they were mice and go after them, but they seem to know the difference.
Oh wow! How cool! so you have a boy bunny with your chickens? the bunny doesnt tryn make a cross bred mutant chicken-bunny with the hens??
D'Angelo N Va., what about this rabbitts digging thing & they chew on wood... are they kept in the run area? have yours dug/chewed them selves out yet?
The folks at appear to have made it work.



Other pictures of their set up can be found at their website. Among the galleries, pick "Woolpets Family Album" and you'll see a few.
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