Do chickens lay at night????


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2015
I have an EE that has not started laying. I just went out to check for eggs to make sure no one layed today while I was out. It's 10:30 pm and she is in the nesting box like she's about to lay an egg. Normally they are on there roost sleeping right now. I've read that chickens normally don't lay at night.

Does anyone have hens that lay at night? IS this normal? She hasn't come out yet so I don't know if she has an egg or if she will have one when she comes out. I'm just curious as I am a first time chicken owner. Thanks!!!!
Also. They have always used the roost but tonight, on is in the nesting box and the other is laying right outside of it kinda like watching her or protecting her. She acts normally during the day eat and drinks water and hasn't had a change in behavior, so I don't think she's sick, but now I'm worried.

Please any input would be of big help.
If she's new layer she may just be confused, they can act pretty weird when they start laying and it can take up to a month or so for them to get everything figured out. That's why you'll often find eggs in strange places, including off the roost, when they first start up before they learn to control where and when to release the egg.

I would just watch to make sure she does not make a habit out of sleeping in the nest.....but I'm betting she was ready to lay and her friend was keeping her company and hopefully they both go to roost tonite after leaving their eggs in the nest.
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I'm not sure if they went on their roost last night. The last time I checked was midnight and she had moved over to the other nesting box, and the other hen was still off the roost as well. But there was no egg from her this morning,so I was kinda discouraged,but my RIR has layed an egg in the same box same spot every day since monday, she just started laying and I have had an egg a day from her. 7 eggs now, that I just cooked for me and the kids. Delicious, and the kids love them. Yay!!! Won't she take a break from laying? I figured there would be a day that I didn't get an egg this week but the has impressed me.:)
Some birds lay everyday, and some don't.

Some might look like they are going to lay by spending time in nest for days before they actually lay.
They'll drive ya nuts those pullets coming into lay...goofy birds!

I'd put any bird in a nest after dark on the roosts.

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