Do chickens need access to nest boxes/coop during the day?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 5, 2012
I'm admittedly new to this... Our chicks aren't outside yet but I'm thinking ahead.

When do chickens lay eggs? Is it mostly in the morning?

We have a coop/run for the chickens at night/some days and we're creating a tractor run for them to "free range" safely around the yard. The tractor run doesn't have any enclosed space, just hardware cloth and it wouldn't allow them access to the coop. Ideally the chicks could split their time between the coop/run combo and the tractor. We work during the day, so on days when they're in the tractor they would be out there from about 8am until we got home in the evening (before dark) to put them in the coop. Would that prohibit them from laying eggs? Should we make a nest box for the tractor?

Your hens will lay eggs no matter what. If they are in the "tractor" they will just find a spot and lay the egg. The problem with that is that the egg will probably get trampled on since it could be sitting anywhere in their way. A solution to this is to just have a wooden shoe box or something similar for them to lay in. Know that chickens peck at the longer an egg sits around, the greater its chance of being broken...and woe is the owner whose chickens have discovered the taste of eggs.

Chickens lay eggs at any time of day..(though not usually at night) so there is no way to "know" for sure. However, for the most part they do get on a schedule of if you are really watching them you'll be able to tell that hen "A" usually lays before noon, hen "B" likes to lay after lunch, but hen "C" is a pain in the butt and keeps switching it

As for the time you are at work...Chickens that are in a predator proof tractor that has food and water, a nest box, and some place to go if it rains/snows...should be fine without access to the coop. BUT....they will need some place to get out of the weather in that think about atleast a partial roof and atleast 3 partial walls on one end of the tractor.

edited to add*** when I say "walls" it could be as simple as a sheet of heavy duty plastic...just so long as it gives them a place to get out of falling rain or hard blowing wind.
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My chickens usually lay their eggs from late morning to early afternoon though I have had eggs at 9am and eggs at 2.30pm they do have nest boxes in their coop though with a run attached so it depends really, they will lay in the tractor in a corner or something but you could make them a little box to fit in there with straw inside so they can lay in peace and darkness and then you can collect nice clean eggs as they may break them and make them dirty otherwise.
Chickens generally lay eggs in the morning, but sometimes my hens will lay in the afternoon aswell, so they should have access to the nestboxes through-out the day. Is the tractor-run you are making covered? This is also very important to have a covered area to protect your chickens when it is hot or raining.
Hope this is helpful and good luck with your hens!
I think they will stay in the smaller run/coop area when there is bad weather. We live in San Francisco so it doesn't snow :)

I'll just place a nest box in their tractor then, that sounds like a plan.
I agree with everything that PA chickenchick2 said. My girls lay at all different times of the day. I agree they need some protection from the weather, rain, etc., even if it is a tarp on one end of the tractor. While you are at work, the weather could change.
Good luck with your new babies.

Here is the tractor before we added the hardware cloth. Should we cover the far end with plywood?
I would, maybe one end and two sides as long as the covered roof is, if you see what I mean!
Here is the tractor before we added the hardware cloth. Should we cover the far end with plywood?
Just wanted to say that we're working on our plans for a coop/run and tractor and I really like what you have so far!
Not sure whether I'd want to add the cover on the far end or not. Your weather is never really all that bad so do they really need it? Just thinking of how the cost of this hobby keeps adding up and one less thing is well, one less thing.

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