Do Chickens Really Need a Run?

Do Chickens Really Need a Run?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 82.8%
  • No

    Votes: 5 17.2%

  • Total voters
Unfortunately, as with most everything today, people are going to be biased, no matter the subject. I honestly don’t think we (yes, I’ll include myself...just a tad, though :oops:) sit down and actually talk to people for any length of time anymore and that is so sad. It is also very detrimental to our society.

How many of us actually know our neighbors, no matter how close or far? Of those, how many do we talk to? Shoot, now days if we can’t text someone we just don’t talk to them. How many of y’all know what I’m saying?

With everyone seemingly living in this “me” world, we are so quick to react and think the only information out there that is correct is what “we” know. Added to this “thinking ‘my’ knowledge is best” is the absence of tone, inflection, etc. in the words we type. And then, before you know it an all out bru-ha-ha has erupted simply because a text has been completely misconstrued. And I believe this all brews down to the fact that we as a society do not talk enough anymore.

Now I will confess, I’ve been one to think “my” way of doing something is best. However, in my defense, I am an only child (had no other choice than to think my way was best) and I am a perfectionist. :thWell, that says it all now doesn’t it? After saying that I feel the need to clarify a few things.
  1. I get to work and do things by myself, a lot
  2. If something is on my mind, I usually want it done that way
  3. I fold the towels and put away the dishes (ensures it’s done like I want it)
  4. BUT...
  5. I will NEVER criticize someone for something they have done/are doing, even if I wouldn’t have done it that way
  6. I have been known to say I think it may work better done another way (this is mostly with family though)
  7. I have a butt load of common sense and am mechanically inclined and when others don’t see the same thing I do (my DH) it irritates me :barnie
  8. Which takes me back to #1
I digress, enough about my faults! We have all got to begin talking to each other again. But since that probably isn’t gonna happen we need to learn to express more sympathy and empathy toward others. Yeah, I guess I’m guilty of that at times too.

Well, I’ll shut up now! I need to go lock my chickens up.

P.S. Did y’all know that chickens don’t see well in the dark? :lau The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park could see! WTHeck!


Well said. You appear to be a well spoken person to me.
Generally, no.
While my plans for cooping may include a large run for growing birds, I plan on keeping conditioning and breeding pens for small groups.
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Going to do it right now!! And yes, I'll just dump them. They've got 160sq.ft to spread it around in, plus the terrible wind we're having will help to disperse it outside of the covered run area!! :gig

:frow You were SO right! If chickens had Spring Break this would be it!
By the time is gone in the house to get my phone, they'd calmed down somewhat but it gave them an extra hour's entertainment! :celebrate:wee
Even though animals require a major commitment on the owners part, I believe they are entirely worth it. I mean, who really needs a vacation? :gig

:frow My horses got fed late! Why? Because I was watching all my chickens have a great time in a pile of leaves... A big leaf bag full!
I've kept two more bags for if and when these get wet and I can replace them. :celebrate
Having NO run? I wouldn’t think so. Since the birds will be confined in their run with nowhere to escape, the run needs to be carefully predator proofed. And if so, no wild bird would be able to get it
Why would the birds be confined in a run if there IS no run?
The question does not ask about the presence of a run, it asks about the lack of it.
Wild birds transmit diseases to chickens whether or not they have direct contact. Their feces and dust are enough.

Therefore, having no access to the outdoors should greatly reduce the risk of contracting diseases from wild birds.
Unfortunately, as with most everything today, people are going to be biased, no matter the subject. I honestly don’t think we (yes, I’ll include myself...just a tad, though :oops:) sit down and actually talk to people for any length of time anymore and that is so sad. It is also very detrimental to our society.

How many of us actually know our neighbors, no matter how close or far? Of those, how many do we talk to? Shoot, now days if we can’t text someone we just don’t talk to them. How many of y’all know what I’m saying?

With everyone seemingly living in this “me” world, we are so quick to react and think the only information out there that is correct is what “we” know. Added to this “thinking ‘my’ knowledge is best” is the absence of tone, inflection, etc. in the words we type. And then, before you know it an all out bru-ha-ha has erupted simply because a text has been completely misconstrued. And I believe this all brews down to the fact that we as a society do not talk enough anymore.

Now I will confess, I’ve been one to think “my” way of doing something is best. However, in my defense, I am an only child (had no other choice than to think my way was best) and I am a perfectionist. :thWell, that says it all now doesn’t it? After saying that I feel the need to clarify a few things.
  1. I get to work and do things by myself, a lot
  2. If something is on my mind, I usually want it done that way
  3. I fold the towels and put away the dishes (ensures it’s done like I want it)
  4. BUT...
  5. I will NEVER criticize someone for something they have done/are doing, even if I wouldn’t have done it that way
  6. I have been known to say I think it may work better done another way (this is mostly with family though)
  7. I have a butt load of common sense and am mechanically inclined and when others don’t see the same thing I do (my DH) it irritates me :barnie
  8. Which takes me back to #1
I digress, enough about my faults! We have all got to begin talking to each other again. But since that probably isn’t gonna happen we need to learn to express more sympathy and empathy toward others. Yeah, I guess I’m guilty of that at times too.

Well, I’ll shut up now! I need to go lock my chickens up.

P.S. Did y’all know that chickens don’t see well in the dark? :lau The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park could see! WTHeck!

Agreed 1000%. I grew up in a small Welsh mining village and as they say "It takes a village...." Wish it hadn't. I'm an introvert, horribly so.
I had great jobs in management when I lived in Wales and dated a farmer...
That's it. I was paid to interact and when not working at my paid job, I was working on my boyfriend's parents farm.
The Welsh are naturally suspicious and that was me to a T, so apart from school and work I didn't interact with many. That was way before internet and cell phones. I'm 65 this year. I never touched a computer or cell phone till I moved over here in 1998!!!
Because the cultures between my Homeland and my adopted USA are SO different, I hardly spoke to anyone because meanings weren't/aren't the same and nobody could understand me anyway!! Over the past 20 years I've slowly come out of my shell thanks to social media. But I'm still scared of upsetting or offending anyone. So PLEASE let me know if or when I say the wrong thing. I'd rather talk about it than have someone think of me as mean, when it was probably because the wording wasn't right as many of our words have double meanings!! I still think Welsh. :lau
And I have many faults!! But have a great sense of humour!

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