do chickens talk back ?

Oh yeah, the times I hear loud squabbling & squawking, I'm like wow never usually hear That Much, someone must be telling someone off, putting someone in their "pecking order" place. I'd better go see what all the hubbub is.
I go into the coop, and what do I see?
A bunch of whining hens all staring & standing around one nest box, clearly occupied, while there's another empty box right next to it...but no, they All Want THAT Particular Nestbox & They Want It NOW! 🤣
Even the Rooster comes in, lightfootedly steps into the box, gently steps over & around the fat hen squatting in there, he clucks softly, to her & the other hens, trying to diffuse the argument, perhaps trying to entice the Fat Lady out..Nope, he comes back out & Everyone resumes the cackling, whining symphony while Fat Lady Chanel puffs up even more & refuses to budge! She'll come out when she's good & ready & not 1 second sooner! 😆 🤣 😂
I have 4 nest boxes, but all of them want the same one box. Makes me wonder why I give up the floor space if they just want the one box :rolleyes:
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You have beautiful chickens! I'm very partial to a gold hen as well.
Chanel...she was originally in a nasty cage at an auction years ago. I have no idea exactly what breed she is (Buff Brahma mix?) but she has quite a wonderful personality, as do my Buff Orpingtons. She is an old lady but they respect her. They're all so huggable, I can't resist scooping up Everyone in my flock for hugs...luckily they all put up with me & seem to enjoy my attention. Love them so much ❤️
Just yesterday I had a lovely conversation with my broody Black Australorp Ruth. I pried her off the nest and set her on the ground. As I petted the growling, angry, flattened pancake I talked to her about being broody on infertile eggs and how pretty she is and how I miss her beautiful dark brown eggs. I told her I didn't want to see her all skinny with her tummy bald. She started very sweetly clucking and closing her eyes.
I then gently patted her butt and told her to get back to work!
this sounds oh so much like my Dougie duck 😂

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