Do chicks outgrow eating worms?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 7, 2014
When our chicks were little they loved worms out of the garden; they would get all loud and aggressive trying to get to them (and away from each other.) They are now 9 weeks old, and I just dug up some worms to give them a treat, and put them into the pen. They pecked at them and walked on them for awhile, but not one of them were eaten! I was stunned! Do chickens outgrow their taste for earthworms? Should I not have fed them earthworms in the first place? Have they developed some weird political stance? Any help is appreciated.
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Chickens will eat earthworms their entire lives. If you keep feed in the pen all of the time, perhaps your chickens were just not hungry. Either way, you don't have to worry about having fed them earthworms. Hope this helps.
when mine were young they all went nuts for worms, now that they are over a year and laying only some of them will eat worms. The others just turn their beaks up at them.

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