Do ckickens and blue heelers mix?

I was really nervous about my Blue Heeler & German Shepard with the girls, but they have surprised me endlessly. The Shepard generally darts after small prey & herds the blue heeler, but she's great with the girls... I guess she knows they're mine and she leaves them alone. But lord have mercy on the cat that comes into the yard
My Blue Heeler Bella is doing great with the chickens, she's afraid of the ducks though. She's being raised with them in front instead of in back with the other dogs because she'll be an agility dog and obedience and she has to listen and not be distracted.
Spike our cow dog loves the chickens and turkeys. He doesn't have a hearding bone in his body which is strange for a healer. He also knows that if he touches MY chickens he has to deal with me the "alpha Bi@$%" (sensored by me even if it is a female dog

I think they HAVE to know that they are YOUR chickens.

Good luck.
I will agree with the PPs that training is more important than breed. That being said, breed is important too because the purpose of the breed needs to be considered.

I have two dogs that are *pretty* well trained. An Australian Shepherd and a Labrador Retriever. The Aussie, I can leave outside unattended without worry. He chases away the wild birds and leaves the chickens and turkeys alone. My Labrador is well enough trained so that if he starts going after a chicken, he will stop on command. He is allowed outside when my husband or I are around. He cannot be trusted by himself though.
Well, herding breeds aren't supposed to kill the animals they are herding. I do find it appropriate to have a herding breed on a farm, where there would likely be free ranging chickens, perhaps ducks, definitely goats, sheep, cows, etc.

On the other hand, asking a bird dog not to kill, chase, or point chickens, especially if they come from hunting lines, is tough. As others have said, dogs need to be obedient, no matter what the breed, if they are to be trusted around chickens.
Both my dogs are border collies. Actually, one is a mix and BOTH are great dogs and do not harm my chickens. I have trained them that chickens are 'friends, not food'. It was not hard to train them either. They respect that I am the alpha.

I have only had my chickens for less than two months and I totally could put my "herding" dogs into the chicken run and coop and trust 110% that NOT ONE chicken would be harmed. Ever!




Notice that the chickens are calm and the dogs are calm. Like I And I don't spend lots of time training. I can tell my dogs "No." And they just don't.
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Thanks. They are good boys. And the one was a shelter/rescue dog at about a year old and the other was rescued as a pup from some people I know because they had too many pets and kids and another kid on the way and had to move. Best dogs I've ever had.
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With my first flock of chickens I had two dogs who behaved just like fordmommy's. One was a heeler and the other a lab shepherd mix. They shared their run and houses with the chickens for years and couldn't care less about them.

You can train a dog 'till the cows come home but if his temperment is one of great interest in the chickens then you are unwise to ever trust him alone with them.

My current dog is very well trained but I do not see him ever being trustworthy with my chickens. You really have to judge each dog on an individual basis.
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"Well, herding breeds aren't supposed to kill the animals they are herding."

That is true, but I've watched blue heelers herding stock and they do tend to nip at what they are herding. A nip on a sheep or cow is not the same as on a chicken.

Individual temperament is key, but any canine has some latent potential for the hunt and kill instinct to surface. We have a beagle spaniel mix that is very good with the chickens, but once in a blue moon he thinks it is fun to play chase. A reprimand is good for most of a year.

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