Do ducks eat live fish?

Guppies?!? That must be a expensive meal! lol or are you talking about little feeder guppies
Guppies?!? That must be a expensive meal! lol or are you talking about little feeder guppies

Lol that is expensive. I ment the regular feeder guppies that they throw in with the minows most of the time lol. Then again im sure it doesnt matter on type of fish to the ducks. They just like to catch and eat!!
I put Rosy Minnows in my pond the ducks can't get to. Usually a dozen. In no time they have made many more and the pond is filled with fry. Once they start to get bigger I just scoop out the "extras" and feed them to the ducks.
I get my mallards minnows at our local bait store. They are $1.00 per dozen and they usually give me more as they don't really count. Plus they love the idea I'm getting minnows for my ducks so they are very generous

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