do EE's lay large eggs ?

my two lay medium to large eggs, I think. I don't really know what a large grocery store egg looks like anymore. My EEs (hens about 1 1/2 years old) lay much bigger eggs than my silkies, and bigger than my BO pullets are laying; but not as big as my RIR the same age as they are. Hope this helps.
I've got six EEs; four lay a large to XL, the other two lay consistent Jumbos. But, only 2 of the 6 lays green eggs.

The Egg on the left is from my Leghorn white/Large

The Egg on the right are from my EE they are Small all of her eggs are small..


My EE above.... Goldie
My EEs laid big eggs. Typically as big as or bigger than my buff orps.

I have 2 EE;s, one lays a rather small blue/green egg. The other one lays a large olive green egg. They usually lay everyday, but sometimes they take a day off. Right now they are going through their first molt. So no eggs from them at the moment.

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