Do hatcheries usually ship surprises?


5 Years
May 19, 2014
I've seen a lot of people on here say they order some chicks from online hatcheries like Mcmurray, and they get a "packing peanut" or a surprise extra chick or two. Is this common?
Yes, if you have a small order they send extras (usually unwanted cockrells (sex linked)) for warmth. If you have a large order many hatcheries will send you an extra chick or two of what you ordered as a surprise or a thank you for ordering from us type of gesture!
Most of them guarantee 95% survival - so they send an extra bird or two to make sure they hit their numbers - IE, if you order 20, they say 19 will live. That's a lot easier to hit when you send 22.

And it's a lot easier for them to eat the extra $2 for the packing peanut, vs spending an extra $20 for another shipment.
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