Do hens turn their eggs???? Dumb question, I know!!!


11 Years
Sep 25, 2008
Douglas, MA
Okay, So I was talking to my signifigant other last night. I would really like to start hatching some of my own eggs. Well, we were discussing which incubator we might want to get (I was looking at McMurrays). He said we absolutely would need an automatic turner, because and I quote, "Hens turn their eggs", I definitely do not belive this, but maybe they do. We argued till about 2:00 a.m. about this. I want to win this argument, so I hope I was right.
Mine got up probably twice a day and kind of switched which side of the box she was going to sit on and pulled her eggs with her, so in a way, yes she turned them.
Aw man!!! Well I am not going to tell him he was right. He doesn't come on here often anyway, maybe he'll forget the whole thing. I figured if they tried to turn them they would break them. Thanks guys!!
That sucks, hubby won...... LOL !!!!!! I feel for yah(I hate it when mine wins)!!!!!

Yes, they turn them by rolling them many times a day !!!!
There yah go, just don't tell him !!!!! Make sure if and when you do an incubator and start hatching if you dont get a turner you turn them by hand 3-6 times a day !!!! If you dont the chicks will stick to the shell and you wont have very good hatches !!!
Yes, especially when he never lets it go, he's gonna tell everyone about this one!!! Oh well!!! But at least I know the answer. Do any of you know where I could get a cheap incubator??

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