I have an EE that's almost white and has the lime green legs like this one does. Mine came from a hatchery so I know she isn't a Leghorn x Ameraucana. She just happens to look like one. Mine does have a huge beard but there are beardless EEs and some with a slight beard that isn't so obvious but does suppress wattle development like I'm seeing here.

So, I see production red pullet , EE pullet, and silver laced Wyandotte cockerel.
Green/willow legs doesn't always indicate ameraucana. Case in point I have a young Buff orpington (hen)x Cream Legbar (sire) chick with the most willow /slate legs you could imagine. I bred her myself. I also have an ameraucana (hen) x CL chick with orange legs.

Cream Legbar Rooster over Buff Orpington hen offspring. Because of her legs alone everyone who has seen her says she's the ameraucana mix. There's no ameraucana in her.

This is the Cream Legbar over Ameraucana offspring

I also have another two chicks if the same two crosses with the opposite leg colors.
Ameraucana hens two self/blue hens. You'll have to excuse their appearance they are coming out of A molt. Then two black hens and finally A black rooster. Look at their faces the muff and notice their comb is A pea comb and almost nothing on some. Legs are slate and necks are A little fluffy.

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