do I have a rooster?


In the Brooder
Apr 20, 2015
I have two nj black giant & one golden comet. They are about 4 weeks old. The jersey with the large tail has been kind of a butt today. I'm wondering if maybe its a rooster? Is it too early to tell? Do they all look like hens? Please enlighten me. My first time raising chicks and desperately hoping for ladies since that's what i paid for. Tia!! :)


Sorry I don't have a better photo.
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Your Golden Comet is definitely a pullet (cockerels are white). I don't see anything screaming roosters with your Black Jersey Giants, so I'm thinking pullets at this point. However JGs are slow to mature, so I would re-post their pics again in about 3-4 weeks.
Your Golden Comet is definitely a pullet (cockerels are white). I don't see anything screaming roosters with your Black Jersey Giants, so I'm thinking pullets at this point. However JGs are slow to mature, so I would re-post their pics again in about 3-4 weeks.
X 2 on all counts.
Phewwww you guys are the best! One giant is very slow gettin feathers. The bigger one kept coming up to me and pecking my arm then running around like a nut today. I didn't know if maybe the sudden attitude could indicate sex. I will post better photos in a week or two. She's getting her comb but as of right now it is yellow..
Your Golden Comet is definitely a pullet (cockerels are white). I don't see anything screaming roosters with your Black Jersey Giants, so I'm thinking pullets at this point. However JGs are slow to mature, so I would re-post their pics again in about 3-4 weeks.
The two Black Sex Links are definitely pullets as male BSL chicks have a white spot on top of their black eggs. The Barred Rock may be a pullet, but I would post a good profile pic of it again in 2-3 weeks. By then it will be easier to sex.


^this is Bobbie
Hi! I have a flock of 4. They have been making noises that resemble crowing and are trying to figure out if they are hens or roosters..... We thought they were all hens. Thanks!



^this is Biggie, she has been the biggest of all four. With the feathers on her feet and size I'm wondering if she is a he.....


^this Oreo
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