Do Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner breed true?

Does anybody know where I could get some Niederrheiner chicks? Looks like McMurray lost theirs in their disaster, Greenfire dropped them and same for MPC.
Does anybody know where I could get some Niederrheiner chicks? Looks like McMurray lost theirs in their disaster, Greenfire dropped them and same for MPC.
I have 8week olds from McMurrays..the last of their chicks for the year. The avian flu didn’t hit that breed from what I was told by their staff. Check this Fall. Last year I preordered in Dec for April. (that batch died all but 1, so they replaced, hence the 8 wk olds).
They are a spectacular breed, grow 2x fast as bielefelder and extra friendly
Pic: 2 cockerel Nieders and a bielefelder pullet.

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