Do people in southern states like pizza?

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Now Royd,bless his heart! Vamvakas can't help it if he had the bad luck of being born up north!
Ok... Been lurking a while now and this has driven me to post. I was born and grew up in Mississippi, and I have to say if you just pick a random town and expect to sell greek food and have a better than thou attitude you probably won't succeed. If that's the case you would be best to stick to a college town or a place with an established Greek community like Jackson, MS. Now, Southerners are varied and fickle creatures... Many have quite refined tastes, others won't eat anything they can't pronounce... And others won't touch anything green that hasn't been deep fried or boiled to mush. A few will not only accept new foods but will seek them out. It's all about demographics. College age Southerners will have much different eating habits than an older group. Affluent groups will eat differently than people barely getting by. But if you expect to succeed in the South you HAVE to be willing to hear about what Southerners like, even if you don't want to cook it. Don't throw a fit because you don't want to know what they eat, it will help you relate to the tastes of the region. They will want their tea sweet, and their food salty. If it's pork they will want it to be called pork, not something they wont recognize.
Edit: Oh and I have had some great non chain pizza in the South, but every place served the "classics" like pepperoni even if they had more exotic offerings as well. You can't expect everyone to want fancy pizzas.
also: Yes, some poorly fried okra is slimy. GOOD fried okra is not.
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Y'all are so precious.
Actually, you started the thread as a dig on what a bunch of bumpkins we Southerner's are, and wouldn't know a quality pizza if it smacked us in the face. We just decided to hand your insult back to you, with grace and charm....Something Yankees have very little of.
That's right, Maybe its not ours that's not good maybe its yours, I tried that Greek pizza once & only once, I had rather have the possum & squirrel any day,
I am originally from South Alabama, yea go ahead go right down there about 1\2 hour from the FL. line & open yourself up one or two of them Greek pizza drive ins it wont be long you will be packing it back up north, broke, Yea I can see them good old ALA. boys having them a Greek pizza right before the champion chip foot ball game & getting laughed right out of the house, I just don't think your idea will go over to good down here, cause we don't care how y'all did it up north !!!!!!!!
Seems to me I have heard them same words before.
NashobaLosa and Royd,
Yep, okra can certainly be de-slimed by cooking it properly -- I was just mentioning the main reason why probably a lot of people don't care for okra.
I happen to like it, in gumbo
(where it can be pretty slimy!).
This has been the funniest thread in ages --

to Vamvakas:
Honey, that's the way it is in the South -- we talk and talk and talk about our favorite foods --
ask us about pizza and you take a chance on hearing ALL about everything we like/dislike to eat -- on a pizza or otherwise --
If you are actually movin' South, there will be 'culture shock' -- for you and your new neighbors!
Most Southerners LOVE pizza -- :)
Culture shock- no doubt!

What I wouldn't give to have a Catholic church with Friday night fish fries and homemade peirogis around here. I never thought I would actually miss Lent!

Actually, you started the thread as a dig on what a bunch of bumpkins we Southerner's are, and wouldn't know a quality pizza if it smacked us in the face. We just decided to hand your insult back to you, with grace and charm....Something Yankees have very little of.

Royd, you have just caused me great pain.

Just kidding.
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