Do picking habits change by breed?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 28, 2010
I recently purchased 12 chicks from a well known local feed store, a mix of 5 different breeds. I got 2 Buff Laced Polish in a straight run. One of the little buggers is a picker, it's almost constant, it doesn't seem to be hurting the others but I'm concerned it could lead to bigger problems. I'm feeding Chick starter (medicated), temps good according to thermometer, plenty of water, and the brooder is quite. Now I know stress can be a factor, this is their first day home but I figured it would lessen throughout the day. If I separate it from the rest won't that stress it more?
I have a 250w red bulb in there, it seems to be easing up little, but is still concerning.
According to the thermometer on top of the one gallon water-er it's 90deg, they don't huddle and they don't escape to the edge so I think I'm ok, a friend thought maybe it's a rooster and maybe that's why he's being an ass, if so I'll name him skeeter because that's what he's like an irritating mosquito.

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