Do shipped eggs really hatch?

That is a wonderful idea! How many folks at the post office would like to have a bit of a change to the plain old red fragile stamp they see a million times. Next time they see a box marked eggs they will remember that and think about it again. Maybe even talk about it over lunch break to some one who didn't see the box.

I thinkdoing this changes the package from another box to a box with a "live animal" in it.

Maybe go one more step and put a picture of a scrambled egg on the box saying this is what I will be it you drop or shake me.....never a chick....

Again great idea!!
Today is day 21. I set 30 homegrown eggs and 8 shipped eggs. I didn't candle.

So far I have 20 hatchlings out of 30 homegrown eggs and 1 little soft fluff ball from the 8 shipped eggs. The other 7 haven't pipped.

Tomorrow I plan to order more. Closer to doubling my last order. That way I might get 2 out of that hatch and end up with a total of 3 which might get me at least one hen for use as a layer.

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