Do Sillkies roost?

I have four Silkies of various ages ( 1 - 22 weeks, 1 - 16 weeks, 2 - 12 weeks) and they all sleep on the 30" high roost with the other chickens. I built a ramp up one wall to the roost so that everyone would have "equal access" if they wanted it. The Silkies have always just gone right up with the others and never show any desire to sleep on the floor - although they do sleep in a pile on the roost.
My silkies have a ramp up to a roost outside the coop. The darn silkies used to huddle in the corner of their pen on the ground and get rained on.
So we built a roost outside to keep them off the ground and threw a cover over them. The still get wet in stormy weather but ignore the roost in the coop.
My two newest prefer the floor in the coop and sleep in a dry, white fluffy pile.
First off tell your boy friend

I have three silkies and they don't follow the norm according to most BYC'ers but then again perhaps they are just weird, they also have 13 other 'normal' birds so who knows... maybe they are having an identity crisis!

Mine have spent man nights being a silkie pile on the floor in shavings, some or all have mixed in with the others on the lower roost.... the last two nights one has been on the lower roost and my female and roo have been far right of the higher roost actually squished into the hardware cloth in the open window!
They do like to be in a pile for sure.

My silkies also are the first out into the rain thought they don't like wind much, they look pretty pathetic soaking wet but they don't seem to care!
mine roost with all the other chickens. I gave them the opportunity by building a ramp. it took a little while for them to figure it out. it was so pathetic to watch them try to fly up to the roost and then flopping back down, it was just sad.
Ours do, but not very high. Our Buff Silkie roo Tweety roosts on a shelf about four feet off the floor. He never roosts on the floor. His daughter, Izzy Lou, who is part Silkie, part Delaware, but looks like a Silkie, chooses a roost about eight feet up, on top of a big pen we have in the barn. They don't fly high though. I agree your Silkie needs a Silkie friend. You might try putting a low shelf in the coop, so she has an option, if she wants it. Maybe others would roost on the shelf with her.

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