Solved Do we have a catagory for weather?


5 Years
Jan 1, 2017
Coastal NC
My Coop
My Coop
I don’t know if I’m missing a section or what.

I think we need a BYC “weather channel”.

In the summer the issue is extreme heat.

In the winter, especially now, it’s the brutal cold that’s coming.

Can I suggest that a new catagory be added for weather related issues?

Maybe even separating the two ie: hot weather
AND cold weather.

Cares, concerns, questions and recommendations could all be in one spot.

I understand that technically these posts ARE in fact emergencies, but by having a defined place for “weather” it might save people some time when asking for help or looking for answers and not have it all mixed in with injuries and illnesses.
I don’t know if I’m missing a section or what.

I think we need a BYC “weather channel”.

In the summer the issue is extreme heat.

In the winter, especially now, it’s the brutal cold that’s coming.

Can I suggest that a new catagory be added for weather related issues?

Maybe even separating the two ie: hot weather
AND cold weather.

Cares, concerns, questions and recommendations could all be in one spot.

I understand that technically these posts ARE in fact emergencies, but by having a defined place for “weather” it might save people some time when asking for help or looking for answers and not have it all mixed in with injuries and illnesses.
I love that idea!!! So many threads and posts about weather related issues.
I like the idea too, of a forum for weather. There are threads started for each weather event, threads like 'should i heat my coop' there is even a 'what is the temperature where you are' thread, they could all be in the weather forum.
Other than that, we talk about weather in our state thread, and that's another place to look for specific advice for your area and weather.
I like the idea too, of a forum for weather. There are threads started for each weather event, threads like 'should i heat my coop' there is even a 'what is the temperature where you are' thread, they could all be in the weather forum.
Other than that, we talk about weather in our state thread, and that's another place to look for specific advice for your area and weather.
I realize that chickens and chicken keepers rely on weather
Chickens are in fact, solar powered creatures.

Almost every category of the BYC forums has an element to it which can be tied in some way to the weather.

Raising chicks
Feeding chickens
Coop design
Coop maintenance
To heat or not to heat
Coop fires
Pop doors
Automatic doors
Keeping water from freezing
I could, lol, but won’t continue...
you all get where I’m coming from.

I just think if we had a section(s) dedicated to “dealing with weather” it would put all that information in one place from now moving forward and make searches, whether they are google driven or from members within the site, so much easier and more efficient.
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Interesting idea. We've had similar request like "organic chickens" sections, etc.

We've found it hard to demarcate where this works and doesn't. For example, if someone wants to look for a thread on "prepping my coop for cold" should it go in the coop section or weather section? We definitely don't want to duplicate topics or sections. Similarly, would a "how do I keep my egg-laying hens cool in the summer" go in a weather section? Maintaining a healthy flock? Egg-laying?

So, it's probably best that we maintain the current order of things. Maybe we can use "tags" to differentiate weather topics? Maybe create an article that links to (like an index) weather related topics / threads?

Keep brainstorming. We're open to ideas that improve navigation without confusing peeps.

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