Do you all keep a pair of 'coop only shoes'?

Do you keep a pair of 'coop only' shoes?

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Jun 12, 2022
Southern California Mountains
I was just wondering if anyone else keeps a pair of chicken run or chicken yard only shoes! These are shoes that will only ever enter the chicken area, never anywhere else. Other people I know who keep chickens think i'm too serious and find it odd that I won't let anyone enter the chicken yard who also have a flock. However, these are the same people who buy chickens from anyone and anywhere who never quarantine new arrivals either so I don't care what they say lol. I stand by my decision to have coop only shoes as I have never had to deal with any type of respiratory illness or any other contagious illnesses in my flock and I attribute that to taking these bio-security measures with my flock! Anyways, if you also keep coop only shoes let me know!
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Yes. We have a bucket of shoes by the back door (our coop is only about 10 feet to the side of the door). Each family member keeps a pair there, and every single time we enter the run we wear them. Nowhere else. It’s good biosecurity and it keeps us from getting chicken poo in the house since we take them off right at the door
Yes. We have a bucket of shoes by the back door (our coop is only about 10 feet to the side of the door). Each family member keeps a pair there, and every single time we enter the run we wear them. Nowhere else. It’s good biosecurity and it keeps us from getting chicken poo in the house since we take them off right at the door
Also wanted to add, we have 5 friends/family members with chickens, and we are the only ones that do this.
I have a pair of coop only shoes but I am a bit lax in that they are kept in the garage so there is an overlap between coop shoes and other shoes in the garage. I need to keep them closer to the garage door!
Also, I do wear the coop shoes out in the yard.
But, I never wear the coop shoes away from my property and I also never wear them in the house.
With AI likely to return soon as the migrating birds come South I may increase the level of security and have a footwash or something by the coop door. Haven't figured that out yet.
The boys wear cheap knockoff crocs, but I have a nice pair of chicken clogs from TSC

Once the snow comes, we will probably get cheap boots for the same purpose.
It’s good biosecurity and it keeps us from getting chicken poo in the house since we take them off right at the door

Yes, and for these reasons as well. :goodpost:

Also it's no fun getting chicken poo out from between your toes so I definitely don't go barefoot. 🤭

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