Do you deliberately scare your chicks?

Goose and Fig

Grateful Geese
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Fall Creek Falls TN
I do! I have never gotten over the way they sleep like they're dead. It totally freaks me out. Every time I walk by the brooder and they're doing it, I sneak up and yell "baby chickens!!!!" so they all pop up and run around.

I hope I'm not being mean by doing it. Almost all my birds grow up to be ridiculously friendly.
I love watching chicks run around before they have their wing feathers, They flap the little stubs wildly while they run. It's even better when there's 28 chicks running around like that. It sounds like an earthquake!!!
I often come up behind my polish hen, Hippie Chick, and pet her. Poor dear, it's just to cute when she jumps six inches in the air and turns around.
I never try and scare any animal makes em stress,they do get scared about things but I never do it on purpose.
Now I do whistle some times in the pens if I think I hear a sneeze,it makes em all stop and be quite so I can hear if there is any sickness.

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