Do you have a Digital Little Giant? Worth the extra $$ ?


11 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Northern California
Does anyone have experience with the newer digital Little Giants (or the Farm Innovator version)?

I was getting ready to add a fan to my basic still air, but then saw the digital + fan options and wondered if going digital was worth the extra expense. I have not had much luck in finding reviews on them -- None on the review forum. None on Amazon. etc.

Are they any easier to keep at a constant temp? No point in going digital if you still have to fiddle and curse at it.
Does anyone have experience with the newer digital Little Giants (or the Farm Innovator version)?

I was getting ready to add a fan to my basic still air, but then saw the digital + fan options and wondered if going digital was worth the extra expense. I have not had much luck in finding reviews on them -- None on the review forum. None on Amazon. etc.

Are they any easier to keep at a constant temp? No point in going digital if you still have to fiddle and curse at it.
Look at the Little Giant Incubation thread. There is a lot of discussion on that incubator on there. The new 9300 is the worst reviewed incubator I have ever used, or seen. Not saying that you can't be successful with it, but almost every post you read on BYC talks about how horrible and touchy it is. Just do a search for LG 9300
Look at the Little Giant Incubation thread. There is a lot of discussion on that incubator on there. The new 9300 is the worst reviewed incubator I have ever used, or seen. Not saying that you can't be successful with it, but almost every post you read on BYC talks about how horrible and touchy it is. Just do a search for LG 9300
xs 2 lol
I have a Hova Bator 1588 and that is forced air, digital. I LOVE it. It is so easy. I have checked both my temp and hygrometer with separate units and it is spot on. I am having absolutely NO issues with the temp staying right where I want it. It came preset. All I literally did was plug it in, add a small amount of water, and added eggs. I am on day 16 and so far have 33 eggs in my bator that are growing well. So pleased with it. I tried using a LG forced air before (non digital) and was constantly babysitting it. I could not get my temp or humidity to stay constant. My hatch rate was 30%. I will let you know what my hatch rate is at the end of this set.
I have a Hova Bator 1588 and that is forced air, digital. I LOVE it. It is so easy. I have checked both my temp and hygrometer with separate units and it is spot on. I am having absolutely NO issues with the temp staying right where I want it. It came preset. All I literally did was plug it in, add a small amount of water, and added eggs. I am on day 16 and so far have 33 eggs in my bator that are growing well. So pleased with it. I tried using a LG forced air before (non digital) and was constantly babysitting it. I could not get my temp or humidity to stay constant. My hatch rate was 30%. I will let you know what my hatch rate is at the end of this set.
I use an lg forced air (9200-the old version w/no digital). I have been having great hatches, but, yes, a lot of babysitting. By hatch time I am I plan on having the hova bator 1588 as well before next spring.
Thank you all for the input, depressing as it may be!
OK to throw Brinsea in the mix - coincidentally that was the other one I had my eye on. So much more expensive but oh so much better reviews!

I am gone most days at work so babysitting the styrofoam box can be a real challenge. I did not want to invest so much in an incubator, but I'm also feeling a little silly driving all over to get desirable eggs and then then popping them in the easy-bake oven of doom. At least my broody has some peeps to show for her efforts!

*sigh* I guess I'll stare at my rocking eggs a few more days too many (again!) and consider putting the Brinsea on my Christmas list.
Thank you all for the input, depressing as it may be!
OK to throw Brinsea in the mix - coincidentally that was the other one I had my eye on. So much more expensive but oh so much better reviews!

I am gone most days at work so babysitting the styrofoam box can be a real challenge. I did not want to invest so much in an incubator, but I'm also feeling a little silly driving all over to get desirable eggs and then then popping them in the easy-bake oven of doom. At least my broody has some peeps to show for her efforts!

*sigh* I guess I'll stare at my rocking eggs a few more days too many (again!) and consider putting the Brinsea on my Christmas list.
You can find Eco models for just under $200 without the turner. Turning a Brinsea is really easy, because you just rock the entire incubator back and forth on the flat edges, no individual egg turning. The reviews aren't lying, the are incredibly dependable and easy to use. Mine made hatching fun. No more worrying about temperature spikes or drops, and just the ease of cleaning after hatch is a huge bonus. I'm gone from home 14 hrs/day, but will be hatching chickens at least 9 months out of the year, so I needed something that could run by itself. I bought the Advance model and absolutely love it. There is just no worrying during incubation. There is a long thread on the Eco 20, and those users love them just as much. They are expensive, but hatching is so much more stress free

Edit: Given your original options, I would put the fan on the one you have rather than buy the 9300
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You can find Eco models for just under $200 without the turner. Turning a Brinsea is really easy, because you just rock the entire incubator back and forth on the flat edges, no individual egg turning. The reviews aren't lying, the are incredibly dependable and easy to use. Mine made hatching fun. No more worrying about temperature spikes or drops, and just the ease of cleaning after hatch is a huge bonus. I'm gone from home 14 hrs/day, but will be hatching chickens at least 9 months out of the year, so I needed something that could run by itself. I bought the Advance model and absolutely love it. There is just no worrying during incubation. There is a long thread on the Eco 20, and those users love them just as much. They are expensive, but hatching is so much more stress free

Edit: Given your original options, I would put the fan on the one you have rather than buy the 9300
One thing I noticed about the Brinseas is that there appears to be no way to monitor or alter humidity other than following mftr instructions. Is this true?

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