Do you have a dog???

Here's my boy! Rescued from abusive owners when he was 6 months. Rinty is a German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois mix. BEST dog. He keeps my animals (and us) safe from bad guys.

The price of dogs are all over the place. Lots of people are always trying to give them away, shelters run anywhere from $25-100, rescue groups from $200-400, breeders are anywhere from $200-1,000 depending on what you are looking for and if they are reputable. Lots and lots of breeders dont so the proper DNA testing and sell the dogs cheap. In the US it really is best to adopt. Lots of people turn over their "pure berd" dogs because they are over having a dog and they end up at the shelter.
I do like shelties but rarely see them advertised and when they do they cost a fortune £800
Jack Russell's are about £200 and cocker spaniels £300-450

How much are dogs in US?
Dog prices in the US range from free to several thousand dollars US. But I can't understand why it seems everything across the pond is so much more expensive. There was recently someone on one of the goose threads that mentioned that Toulouse geese were going for x Euros and I did a conversion it came out to 600 dollars US. For that much money I could buy the geese here and ship them there and still have money left. A sheltie for 800 pounds would be over 1600 dollars US. My sheltie, who was born with a defective leg and was to be put down by the breeder, I got for 500 US and my Short Haired Pointer I got for 75 US. Several of our dogs we got for nothing by rescuing them. Don't focus on pure breeds. My favorite breed is a BOAB Hound. BOAB is for Best Of All Breeds (mutts) and they often are the best dog around.

CH Firesides Uncharted Treasure (Chloe)


URO1, Alt-CH Firesides Twilight Princess TT, CGC, RN (Zelda)

Both mine are show dogs, hunting dogs and farm dogs. :)
Dog prices in the US range from free to several thousand dollars US. But  I can't understand why it seems everything across the pond is so much more expensive. There was recently someone on one of the goose threads that mentioned that Toulouse geese were going for x Euros and I did a conversion it came out to 600 dollars US. For that much money I could buy the geese here and ship them there and still have money left. A sheltie for 800 pounds would be over 1600 dollars US. My sheltie, who was born with a defective leg and was to be put down by the breeder, I got for 500 US and my Short Haired Pointer I got for 75 US. Several of our dogs we got for nothing by rescuing them. Don't focus on pure breeds. My favorite breed is a BOAB Hound. BOAB is for Best Of All Breeds (mutts) and they often are the best dog around.

There are so many intentional cross breads here
Labradodles( labs and poodles )
Cockerpoos ( cocker spaniels and poodles)
Etc etc
I'm not keen on buying these crosses incase of health problems, I though pure breeds might be healthier
But I'd be really happy with a mutt, rescue if possible but with four cats I did think a pup could grow with them
And rescue centres here never have pups
Rescues are the best!!! Thank you all for helping a lonely, hurting dog find a loving home!! Doing some volunteer work down at the shelter got us two rescues for free. Brutus and Momma. Momma was a hospice dog. They asked us to keep her comfortable until her imminent death (they said a week or two). She died in her sleep two and a half years later. She just needed some lovin'. Hats off to all Rescuers!!

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