Do you have a family member that gets on your nerve?

Doesn't everyone have a few of those???
I know I do!! I also have a step brother that is similar, he has to tell you how much everything costs, blah blah blah. The thing is, he is not rich, nor well off. He is 10 years younger and him and his wife got married very young and have 3 kids. The have not always made the wisest financial choices, so I never understood why he told everyone how much he spent on his shoes, cell phone etc. I always want to say, how about paying your bills instead???????

Now, I just ignore him and change the subject!! He is actually getting better. I think he is trying to impress, but I am not impressed, so we move on!!
These other posters are right - she is probably insecure. Wait, she IS insecure otherwise she wouldn't feel the need to brag like that. Ok, that being said, you are in a tough situation, because she is paying you she is your client. Family members that are clients are HARD to deal with. You want to treat them like any other client, while wishing you could dye their hair orange and strangle them with the blow dryer cord!!!!
...and to answer your original question, YES! It took one difficult relative-in-law most of a lifetime to accept me. (the lucky result from medication she started using
LOL My niece does my sisters (her mom's) hair - my sister has to make sure she is not having a "daughter" moment when she does this - one time my sister ended up with RED hair. Well, actually it was a bit more purplish
talk about passive/agressive. Glad I got sons and not daughters


There's a salon here called Curl Up and case you need a new business name.

I'm the unofficial barber for our immediate family, and they definitely don't want to make ME crabby right before I wield those shears! (As a visual aid, they got to see what happened to the rooster who attacked me this week...I'd guess none of them care to hang upside down by their feet!)
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The problem with family is that it is hard to break up with them.

She obviously wants people (you!) to envy her. I would suggest that you come up with a little one-liner to use repetitively: "Ooooh, now you're making me jealous!" or "Ooooh, you are one PROUD mama!" I mean - be repetitive!!!! Rub it in until she has to swear that she is NOT trying to make you feel bad OR she has to shut up! I am a straight talker & a chicken farmer. I am also a scholar who studies conflict. So, I think this is pretty good advice. You get to call it for what it is, in a way that allows you both to save face.
As for the wedding, I suspect that (given her need to feel superior) you are not in the mindset to SERVE her & members of her wedding party. You can decline. You will have to come up with a line ("it's such a huge responsibility- to make sure everyone looks perfect. I'd hate to bungle it"). But most important, you will have to keep this to yourself. None of this telling Sister Sue who will spill the beans to Aunt Esther.
Good luck. I don't envy you.
My DH and I survive by laughing at mean relatives (not to their face) - it's quite refreshing! Like after one unpleasant visit there, DH started humming "Ding dong, the Witch is Dead..." to get me laughing. It was a great bonding moment!

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