Do you have a rooster that doesn't crow?

I like to call it 'chicken puberty' when they do that sort-of crowing cackled confused thing. It's like a weedy zitty teenager trying to speak up for the first time and his voice just failing him.


We own a rooster who doesn't crow. Though we also own 2 who do and bully him so he never has any hens and doesn't crow.. Lol...
Our Serema Roos are very quiet. If you do a rooster box than likelihood is if you have nice neighbors than they won't mind.
I think the biggest reason a rooster doesn't crow is its on the bottom of the pecking order and is bullied - single rooster will almost always crow.
My black Hamburg, John Boy, doesn't crow. He can- I have heard him a few times- but as rule, doesn't crow. John Boy is healthy, happy, glossy, and calm- he appears to simply be a quiet guy.
I have a rooster that doesn't crow. he's white with brown spots on his wings and gold color down his neck. The only sound he makes is a humming sqealling noise at same time.
I have a 6 month old who has never crowed. He has also never tried to mate with the hens although he plays the other rooster roles such as calling them into the coop at night and identifying food for them. He will crow at some point but it is taking him forever to figure it out.
One of my chicks has turned out to be a roo. And I'm not allowed to have rooster in my city. He's nearly 15 weeks old and as sweet and docile as can be. The only sounds he makes is some very soft, high pitched squeeking when I bring out treats.

I've had some people tell me that roosters sometimes don't crow.

But looking online, it says that roosters crow. Period!

So I'm curious what you all have to say. Do any of you have a rooster that doesn't crow? If breed makes a difference, he's a Cuckoo Marans.
I have two roosters that stick together like glue.
Got them both at the same time.
One of them has been crowing for about 4 months and crows all the time, I have never heard the other one crow. Blue crows, Maude does not. Blue.png Maude.png
One of my chicks has turned out to be a roo. And I'm not allowed to have rooster in my city. He's nearly 15 weeks old and as sweet and docile as can be. The only sounds he makes is some very soft, high pitched squeeking when I bring out treats.

I've had some people tell me that roosters sometimes don't crow.

But looking online, it says that roosters crow. Period!

So I'm curious what you all have to say. Do any of you have a rooster that doesn't crow? If breed makes a difference, he's a Cuckoo Marans.
My rooster would crow in a unlit vault and you’d still hear him!,
He crows relentlessly an hour and half before any daylight. Pitch black.
Crows all day, comes to the back door and pecks at it and shoots his beak to all heaven.
We live in the mountains w no close neighbors and he is a protector of his flock. He attacked a curious hawk the other day so I guess you take the good with the bad.
One of my chicks has turned out to be a roo. And I'm not allowed to have rooster in my city. He's nearly 15 weeks old and as sweet and docile as can be. The only sounds he makes is some very soft, high pitched squeeking when I bring out treats.

I've had some people tell me that roosters sometimes don't crow.

But looking online, it says that roosters crow. Period!

So I'm curious what you all have to say. Do any of you have a rooster that doesn't crow? If breed makes a difference, he's a Cuckoo Marans.
Hi there! I too have a rooster that hasn't crowed yet and he is 7 months old. I noticed the mother hen stayed with him longer than any other of her babies. He is so sweet but I'm wondering if maybe he's just slow to develop. His sister is the same way. She likes to stay with her bother plus I've noticed neither of them have any interest in running around with the rest of the flock. Here is a pic of my big boy, "Bubba".
One of my chicks has turned out to be a roo. And I'm not allowed to have rooster in my city. He's nearly 15 weeks old and as sweet and docile as can be. The only sounds he makes is some very soft, high pitched squeeking when I bring out treats.

I've had some people tell me that roosters sometimes don't crow.

But looking online, it says that roosters crow. Period!

So I'm curious what you all have to say. Do any of you have a rooster that doesn't crow? If breed makes a difference, he's a Cuckoo Marans.


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