Do you have a way to "call" your flock to you?

Most of mine will run up to anyone who comes outside, & I also have a container with treats in it (usually mealworms). When I want them to go back in their run, I stand at the door, shake the container, & call "ChickENS! ChickENS!" & they run right inside.

I have one very skittish bird who doesn't like people & won't come to anyone. She'll run over with the rest, but hang back until I stop calling & step away from the door. Then she'll circle far around me & rush in the side. Drives me a little crazy, because sometimes the other birds finish their snack & start leaving by that time. But at least I know I can get them right back once she's in.
Same x
I bought a cool little used bell on ebay for $10. and call my chickens in this way, I then reward them with a Piñata mix. So when I get little visitors they get to experience the thrill of the mad chicken rush by ringing the bell ♡.
Works terrific, beautiful & fun.

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