Do you have a way to "call" your flock to you?

Do you have a way to get all your chickens to come running to you? Most of mine will just by me going outside, but I also have a container with cracked corn that I shake sometimes and they usually respond. I was just curious of what others might do.
Ours come whenever we call them. snacks or cheese that come right away as well.
Do you have a way to get all your chickens to come running to you? Most of mine will just by me going outside, but I also have a container with cracked corn that I shake sometimes and they usually respond. I was just curious of what others might do.

Do you have a way to get all your chickens to come running to you? Most of mine will just by me going outside, but I also have a container with cracked corn that I shake sometimes and they usually respond. I was just curious of what others
I usually shake their treat bag and they come running. They also come running when I come out with the big red bucket full of soaked seeds (even when I'm just refilling it and not actually feeding them at that particular moment), or if they see that I have the container that holds their veggie scraps. I usually say "here, peep-peeps!" or "here, chicken-chickens!" but I have no idea if they actually respond to that yet or if they're just responding to the sight and sound of food containers lol.
OK so, there is a simple way of explaining it, and a harder way. I'm gonna go with the hard one😌 So you need to know some back story first. .The Greek word for chicken is kota. If you make fast paced and shorten it to kot, with the right pronunciation and deapth of your voice it can sound like a rooster calling his hens over. I've been doing that for the past 9 years or so and it works wonderfully, even with roos, and yes I know it's kind of silly, but what works doesn't need fixing! So basically I imitate the roosters call is the short and sweet version of what I do:lau
So the word, 'kota' is based on the rooster's sound?
We used to sing, 'chick chick chick chick chickEN, lay a little egg for me' . The first part sounds like the egg song. So maybe 'chicken' is based on the hen's sound?
So the word, 'kota' is based on the rooster's sound?
We used to sing, 'chick chick chick chick chickEN, lay a little egg for me' . The first part sounds like the egg song. So maybe 'chicken' is based on the hen's sound?

Not exactly. Kota is the Greek word for hen. Kotkotkot.... is basically how Greek people imitate the sound of a rooster calling over his hens
I have a galvanized trash bin for their scratch and food so anytime they hear the lid come off the bin they come running. But I also get a scoop of the scratch and sing "Cooorn Cooorn Coooooorn" when it's time for them to go back into their pen; they always bombard me. My husband says the girls always start screaming for corn as soon as I step outside.

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