Do you have chicken nightmares too.

I MIGHT forgive something like a Fox that only takes what they need for survival. It helps that foxes are cute.
What I can’t stand are predators that kill everything and just leave them there, untouched, or at least very little.
I love dogs, but all the horror stories have made me wary of strange dogs when before I would have welcomed them :)
I have had a few. One was when my rooster ran away and I looked and looked and never found him. Lol. Looking back that wasn't a nightmare but a good dream.
One was when a hawk flew off with my barred rock and I tried to chase it down but it flew away with her. The sky was dark and a big tornado was coming. My ducks were out there too and I screamed for them and grabbed one and ran to safety...

Crazy chicken lady dreams..
I always have nightmares about my hens getting killed by something,and sometimes in the middle of the night,I will hear my chickens getting attacked and when I run out there wielding a hoe or a baseball bat,my chickens are just fine,no predator will be there. some of nightmares are about when my first leghorn,marshmielow,who was also one of my first hens ever was getting attacked by a raccoon and she was running around all chewed up and headless in my dream and I could do nothing.and in real life,the raccoon never ate her and instead just chewed her up and left me to find her and for some reason,when they are my favorites I am the one person who finds them and it is alway on a school day.
I have done the same thing. Run outside in my underwear wielding a pellet gun to find everything is find and I look like a jackyouknowwhat. I was heading to work one morning at like 330am so it was dark but I could see something on top my coop thinking it must be an owl. So I grabbed the first thing I could find which was a broom and ran over all braveheart style and just started swinging like a crazy person then I realized it wasn't moving or anything so I looked real hard to find it was a weather veined my dad had put up the night before and said nothing to me about and it was shaped like a rooster. I'm like thanks for giving me a heart attack and good laugh first thing in the morning.
Here's my wackiest chicken dream. My coop and run are close to a creek (about 15') and the creek overruns the banks on occasion. So the first time there was flooding, I dreamt that the water rose high enough that it lifted our little prefab coop up like Noah's Ark, up over the fence, and floated away downstream with the chickens still hanging on to the roost inside.

Nowadays when it floods I don't worry at all, as it turns out the run sits up slightly higher than the lower bank where the flooding occurs.
WOW.... I kept it to myself so far lol, but at least a few times a week. In fact, had one last night, babies were locked out of the run, getting chased by a a kitty hawk...

Funny thing, usually happens early morning, I usually go "F-it" and get up and go check on them and let them out if late enough... get some coffee, check on them a little...
I had a nightmare where at least a good 100 or so foxes were by the back porch near the woods. Me, my aunt, uncle, grandparents, and my parents (lets say I was around 10 in the dream, this has happened recently) were looking at us as we shined a flashlight at them.
I’ve had odd fox dreams before where a fox was behind a wall and after a few minutes made a hole in the wall, opening its mouth and revealing 6 teeth on its tounge.. y e p. I also am having odd storm dreams too, but I don’t wanna get into those. Bye.
I MIGHT forgive something like a Fox that only takes what they need for survival. It helps that foxes are cute.
What I can’t stand are predators that kill everything and just leave them there, untouched, or at least very little.
I love dogs, but all the horror stories have made me wary of strange dogs when before I would have welcomed them :)

Bobcats are notorious for that. Had an attack in June; 3 girls; one gone, one cut in half (I could see her ovaries and all) and one just bit enough to not make it and die in my arms.. not being dramatic.. lol F Bobcats, most likely same guy got my neighbor's male goose, tore him apart, couldn't even tell what was "gone"... just nasty. His goose girl was depressed for weeks... sad and evil... lol.. I know they gotta "eat" but take it easy bobcats....

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