Do you have chicken nightmares too.

A while ago I had a dream that involved me accidentally processing the wrong rooster. Instead of killing the sickly one, I killed the healthy, closer to standard one that I really wanted to breed. :th Needless to say, when I processed in reality, I definitely double checked which birds I grabbed!
I usually dream something along the lines of just coming home and finding headless bodies. :hit
Which is always a possibility so that thought is always near. :(
I once had a nightmare that a small tornado hit the chicken coop, not our house somehow, and scattered the hens all over the countryside. I had to drive around and find them all. For some reason I had to use my new sports car to haul them in. What a mess they made flapping around in the car. Then when I got home, there was no coop so they were going to live in my new car. That's when I woke up greatly disturbed.

I know I’ve had nightmares about my chickens....... and goats, pigs, dogs and cats. But I can always remember my dreams when I first wake up but after about ten minutes I can’t remember a thing except an animal or person involved in it and whether I woke up scared or angry or ok. Interesting hearing all the different dreams and nightmares
I once had a nightmare that a small tornado hit the chicken coop, not our house somehow, and scattered the hens all over the countryside. I had to drive around and find them all. For some reason I had to use my new sports car to haul them in. What a mess they made flapping around in the car. Then when I got home, there was no coop so they were going to live in my new car. That's when I woke up greatly disturbed.

Had you watched Twister before that dream? Lol! I know it wouldn’t be funny in reality, but that flying cow scene slays me every time.
Had you watched Twister before that dream? Lol! I know it wouldn’t be funny in reality, but that flying cow scene slays me every time.

I have had true tornado nightmares (wake up screaming nightmares) ever since I saw The Wizard of Oz as a very young child. I could not see Twister because of it.
I have had true tornado nightmares (wake up screaming nightmares) ever since I saw The Wizard of Oz as a very young child. I could not see Twister because of it.
Understandable. I’m an Okie and a lot of us are sort of desensitized about tornadoes, because it’s just a fact of life here. No disrespect to you intended. I hate to hear that you have such freaky nightmares about them.
Understandable. I’m an Okie and a lot of us are sort of desensitized about tornadoes, because it’s just a fact of life here. No disrespect to you intended. I hate to hear that you have such freaky nightmares about them.

Absolutely no offense taken.

I have a daughter that has dinosaur nightmares because my wife took her to see animatronic dinosaurs at a young age. None of her friends were scared, just her. I joke with her that you aren't a parent if you haven't messed up your child somehow.

By the way, my wife is a HUGE Wizard of Oz fan. We have even been to the museum in Wamego KS. I'm fine, just the occasional nightmare. The flying monkeys are issue for me too. Can't stand real monkeys. My wife loves those too. We are quite a pair.

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