Do you have chicken nightmares too.

I can't blame you,who cares about valuable objects when there is chickens on the line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!especially if they are chicks.I have had dreams where all my babies are in my bed with me and I cannot get up and I have to watch them dies a slow agonizing death and I can't do anything and then of course when I wake up I have to run to make sure they are all okay and in one piece.
I had a dream where my rooster, Digger, a crooked-beak Banty rooster (BB RED) had died (he has been dead for like maybe 4 or 5 years) and came back. I miss himmmmm.
Wobbles is the same. Wobbles, a rooster raised from a baby chick, messed up beak and skull, missing eye, died (he did maybe last or this year) and came to life.
Well, I always have the craziest and weirdest dreams...
This is really weird so BEWARE

I was inside my house and I hear a falcon, and at that time, all my chickens were little chicks so I run outside as fast as I can and I see a falcon and it landed on my fence. The falcon had the weirdest face I had ever seen (Idk how to describe it but just imagine a weird face on a falcon XD) so then I yell at it to go away and the falcon starts talking...

I have no idea what it said but
I was so weirded out.
I just stay there until the falcon goes away. So it flew away. Then I hear another falcon and I'm like: NOOOOOOOOOOOO
So one lands and it looked like a HUGE baby chick that could fly. It was WAY bigger than me O_O
So I run to it but this time it doesn't talk it just chirps like a chick. I still thought it was going to eat my chicks so I started yelling at it and out of nowwhere my uncle comes and bites the huge falcon-chicken and it flies away with my uncle on him...

And I woke up.
So yeah.... I told you it was gonna be weird........
Wow that was a doozy! I feel asleep watching some cartoon kids movie about pets.
I dreamed I was going to count my chickens and put them to bed (not even close to my house). I was short 20 birds so I went looking and some lady (no idea who she was) says there right here... they were kittens inside the house. I tell her shes nuts and we have to find my birds. She tells me shes fine with the kittens. I went outside and realized this is not my house and I need to get to my chickens. The strange people wouldn't give me a ride so I try walking but there was a steep muddy hill. I wonder into a line of people walking along a rope and they tell me it's the only way up the hill. So I start flying up this rope knocking down anyone in my way. The rope leads me to a haunted house. They wont let me through the haunted house. Then bang a loud noise wakes me.
My whole brain hurt after that. And I immediately went out to check on my birds. Wow I think I need a dream analysis or a shrink.
I had weirder nightmares.
Me and my uncle are driving in a Jeep and we see cheetahs sleeping (WE’RE IN OHIO DANGIT DREAMS). I tell him not to go fast but he does and then they turn into actual chickens that fly at you even though their cheetahs.
i woke up after that :>
My chickens had appeared from nowhere as a storm brewed that had turquoise skies, hail, thunder, lightning, and of course, a funnel cloud. The funnel touched down and *KABOOM!* it kills my chickens instantly. it was w e i r d
lol. I have a rooster called Elvis (Moptop/Polish rooster that is orange and black with blue legs.) after Elvis Presley (Did I spell it right?). Elvis is a RUDESTER. My dream:
Elvis had gotten out of his cage and attacked me (it’s happened before!).
After that, I was running and Elvis runs behind me as a large tsunami (not in a coast m8) comes in and kills my goats, chickens, ducks, geese (stumpyyy D:<), and cows. The tsunami then disappeared into thin air somehow as a Utah-Raptor, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, hybrid has ran to it and magically ate it.
ate a tsunami for breakfast! - Utah-Spino-RexRaptor.
I have chicken nightmares all...the...time. I thinks it just part of being a worrier. I have anxiety and ptsd so i already have nightmares a lot so i didnt think it strange to be having these. I do like that im not alone in them though! Heres my craziest one:

I dreamt that i was at a party at my house...but it wasnt my house. Much bigger. And it was dark out. I didnt throw this party so i was quite upset. I was all like "who the expletive is throwing a party at my house?!" I went to the door but it was locked and i had to break in a window. Once in i found my sister hanging out near a garden porch...which once again we dont have but its a dream so...whatever. She tells me she let the chickens out there but they are "fine". I look out and see 3 hawks swooping down at them. I ran out and got one of them in a headlock and just started screaming whilst i punched this bird in the face "why isnt anyone helping?!"
I know I'm late but I'm a new chicken keeper and my chicks are 8 weeks and they have been in their coop but a couple days ago I had this terrible dream that my buff was soaked in the black stuff I think oil and she was dieing but the oil was like acid or something I dont really know. The whole dream I was paranoid and stuff. The beginning of it started out when i was going onto the school bus and then forgot to put my chicks in the coop and stuff. I have anxiety though so things occur like this. But is this normal lol

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