Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?

People are always so shocked and impressed (or horrified
) by the green/blue eggs!
The first time I ever saw a 'real' egg (my neighbor's chicken laid it) I couldn't believe the difference in color of the yolk. I was almost afraid to eat the egg, but I scrambled it and ate it and I was 'WOWED' by the awesome 'eggy' taste. It was not BLAND like store-bought eggs and every once in a while when she brought me a dozen eggs, I hoarded them and would not let my X have any - that was awful, but now that I am raising my own chickens and will have plenty of eggs to share with him, he said it is weird and that he could not eat a 'pet' chicken's egg. I'm totally bummed out by this weird behaviour. I can see that people might notice a rich-colored yolk, and slightly eggier taste, but to prefer an OLD, BLAND, PALE-YOLKED egg to the superior, fresh, laid by a happy chicken, egg...well I really am scratching my head on that one!!!
I took a dozen eggs to my insurance agent (it's a Farm Bureau Insurance), and she hasn't stopped raving about them... and heavily hinted that if I ever had extras she'd be more than happy to take them off my hands. The blue eggs go over especially well.

My dogs LOVE the eggs... we hard boil them as a treat and I'd like to think that it's part of the reason their coats are so glossy and healthy.

And I just HAVE to try the hard boiling trick. I had eggs for breakfast, but want devilled eggs NOW! (Just dropped a dozen or so in the boiling water. I hope it works!)
Dh laugingly mentioned this morning that it was kind of weird eating any eggs now that he knows how they come out - then he tasted our first fresh eggs from our pullets - and said - butt droppings or not - these are the best eggs I've ever had.

But he didn't have a problem eating them, just a fleeting weirded out moment.

Now take my in-laws they won't even look at the chickens, you get the feeling that the thought of non-store bought eggs give them the hebbijibbies.

My 'rents say they don't like fresh eggs cause they taste so strong. And my granny won't because the taste reminds her of the depression. Thats about all they had to eat. Eggs & chicken. Chicken & eggs. I can't WAIT until I get my first eggs.
My relatives were totally grossed out by green eggs, and the fact my MIL would butcher her own chickens. Like the grocery store sterilizes the eggs somehow and if the store has not blessed the eggs they will kill you? Just sillyness.....
One co-worker asked how the rooster fertilizes the egg. I asked her if she needed a book!

Another was under the impression that all brown were local while white one were from out of town!

Me, myself, I don't want to keep a rooster because the thought of a fertilized eggs kinda freaks me out. I suppose I could get over it if I had a cool enough roo and may find out soon if any of these four new chicks start crowing!
I have people ask me what they can feed the Ameracauna's to make the eggs blue/green. I'm like..."uh, they just come out that way".

I too have people that won't touch a fresh egg. They prefer to get them at the store. I'm like..."really?" Do they really not know? Oh well, more for me!

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