Do you know people grossed out by fresh eggs?


11 Years
Feb 27, 2008
Madison, Wisconsin
Our BA and RIR hens should start laying soon.....and at work one day, we got on the subject of fresh vs. storebought eggs. A coworker friend of mine was given a dozen fresh off the farm eggs, and she cracked one, and it grossed she and her husband out. It was your typical fresh egg, with the brighter yellow yolk, the kind of egg we all love. She refused to eat them, she threw them away. I had told another friend I'd be happy to share some eggs with her when our hens start laying, but she declined, saying she preferred store bought.

I can't seem to talk either one of them into just trying fresh eggs...doubt they'd go back! I don't understand what the mentality is....eggs are eggs, they all come from chickens! Some chickens just happier than others! But a fresh people aren't buying those for 99 cents a dozen at the store like the mass produced store bought eggs!

And I'm not trying to talk them into buying them from me, I'm offering them to supply them with eggs for free! Oh well, their loss!

I have one friend down the street that will not eat fresh eggs. She even bought free range chickens and was grossed out by the look of the chicken so she GAVE me one. It was a really good chicken and I think it cost her 14 dollars per bird. They say it's the look of it. I don't get it.

Most of my friends gladly take and look forward to free eggs when we offer. Some even drop hints and love the blue green ones from our EEs.
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My aunt refuses eggs that come from "chicken butts". She has never been able to explain to me where store bought eggs come from that make them ok. My sister tried to tell me that she could "taste the rooster" in my eggs since he is in with my hens all of the time. People are silly and there is no changing their thoughts no matter how ridiculous it seems.
I got the same thing from my dd and my dil. And they also informed me they will not be eating chicken at my house from now on! LOL I asked what the difference was and neither could give me an answer. They were just grossed out about the whole thing. I told them they had better get in touch with reality. The way the economy is going, they may need my eggs and chickens at some point.

Now mind you, these are the same young women that eat deer meat hunted by their husbands and catfish and crappie from the river. What is with these kids? My sons are all for the eggs and chickens too.
They just don't know what they are missing. They taste better and they are better for you too.

Our testing has found that, compared to official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs, eggs from hens raised on pasture may contain:

Mother Earth News’ first egg tests revealed that free-range eggs have a higher vitamin content and ...

• 1/3 less cholesterol
• 1/4 less saturated fat
• 2/3 more vitamin A
• 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
• 3 times more vitamin E
• 7 times more beta carotene​
unfortunatly yes, half my neighbors wont eat them
The same thing happened to me at my office. I don't quite understand it myself, but I can say that I cannot bring myself to eat a store bought egg. I find them, and the conditions that they are laid under to be unfavorable to my liking.

Although I agree with you in some regard about "Eggs being Eggs' they really are not. Our eggs, are much better than those you can purchase at a supermarket---we are just smart enough to know better.


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