Do you leave you chicken access door open?

They will push through it. All my coop doors have rubber strips that are 3" wide hanging over them. It is overlapped by about 3/4". Works like a charm.
Good idea with the rubber strips, I think I will have to do that as well. Should I hang the strips from inside the coop or outside or maybe it wouldn't matter? But we plan to leave their small coop door open but it faces the North, so I was thinking like a burlap bag or something but like the rubber strip idea.
Inside or out will make little difference. I use pond liner because it doesn't weather and is heavy enough that the wind doesn't shift it around and create a draft in the coop. if your chickens are anything like mine, they will shred the burlap in no time and then likely get caught in the strands.
Is pond liner clear? I wonder about this carpet runner stuff I got - it might not do well in the freezing temps that we here here in Michigan. Hmmm...doubt I can find pond liner at this time of year, either. I'll look, though. Thanks so much for the idea!
Ours had to learn to use a dog door.
Pond liner - that's actually a great idea. I've used extra fiberglass sheeting cut to size and duct taped around the egdes and placed against the outer caged area in the coop to break the wind (
) But seriously, that strip idea is good! Must post pictures of what I've got.
I've worried about this myself, since our pop hole faces west, directly into the weather. When it storms I run out there and close it, otherwise rain gets in and soaks the place.

So what I'm going to do this winter is put bales of straw inside the henhouse around the hole, with enough room for the chickens to hop up on the bales and then down again to go out. That will at least keep the wind and snow from blowing directly into the henhouse.

I like the idea of the hanging strips; I think I'll try that too.
I like your straw bale idea, Pattycake. I'd probably do that as well, but my coop is pretty small (about 4x8), so that would take up quite a bit of room. But...if I can ever build the coop of my dreams, I'll remember your idea - thanks!

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