Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

We've got three and they were given names on the day they arrived. I have a blue orphington and a lavendar ameracuna. They are named Emily and Amy after the Indigo Girls (a folk rock duo). My plymouth barred rock is named Ester because my husband and I were trying to come up with colonial sounding names and all we could think of was the Scarlet Letter. Only later did we figure out we got the main character's name wrong (Hester, not Ester), but by then Ester had stuck.

I really want to get a Brahma because growing up in Sri Lanka my favorite grand aunt had an extremely friendly and gentle brahma hen named Ghomarie. When I get a brahma I will name her Ghomarie.
*Takes a breath*

Ol' Blue
Chickie (a one year old named her.)
Little Boss

Those are the "normal" names. Then there's my prized showguys and gals named after some of my favorite characters from various video games and stuff.
Cochins of Hyrule
Phoenix of Midgar
L Lawliet
We did some bonding time with our new fuzzy butts last night.

My 4 year old and husband did most of the naming. Dont laugh !

RI Reds:
Fancy (A Reba song, does she know she is going to be labeled a prostitute? LOL)

NH Reds:
Lance (my 4 year old is determined to have this chick named Lance, yes I explained that they are all girls)
Cornbread (I suppose the color? haha)

Black SexLinks:
Zero-Zero (dont ask, this was my 2 year olds pick)

Barrred PR:
Coalie Moley
Rosemary (this is the only one I got a say in!)
Mine are
Dolly as in Boxum
Emma oldfashioned BR
Willow a buff that had greenish legs as a chick
Katie and Angel
Angel ( is Not) but looked it when her wings first came in as white. Both comets
Velvet a Blue and red Buff orpinton mix She looked like velvet when I first got her
Maxine She use to be Big Mack until I found she was a hen
violet, I love flowers
Rosy, had the rosiest comb first.
Misty a splash orp and Stormy a splash orp male that I got in bad weather. So I named them after it.
On the coast I have three EE's
Lucy the red head , Cricket because she use to hop all over the place
Then there is Bella. My Grand daughter named her
Gloria Jean
Henny Penny (because she is copper colored) is a Partridge Rock
Rosie is a Black Austrolorp
Miss Daisey is an Americauna
Petunia is our Copper Maran
Tiger Lily is a Barred Rock
and our newest addition is
Olive who is, you guessed it, an Olive Egger.
We're new to country life, but have decided to only name animals that we don't plan to eat. That being said, when I told my husband that I want to raise 2 sheep, he suggested that we call them Shishka and Bob!
Hershey is a welsummer because of her chocolate colored eggs
Sunny is a silver laced Wyandotte
Omelette is a red sex link
Pepper is a jersey giant
Sarah (adopted chicken) is a barred rock
Mr. Ruffle-rump (awesome name, I know!) is an Easter egger but I can't keep Roos so he's going away :(
Mordecai is a blue Swedish duck
Rigby is a black swedish duck
Pops is a blue swedish duck
And I have a silkie and another ameracauna on the way that have yet to be named! :D
I chose names for their personalities. Radio Flyer-the small red because she was flying first as a chick and would ride on our shoulders. Then we have May, April, and Lucy.

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