Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

We have a few with names

We have

STU- the barred rock roo that if he doesn't behave he will be chicken STU!

Jack_ we call him that because he only has one good eye.... one eyed Jack!

Uno- he only has one wing, at birth he lost a wing to the other chicks!

Ruby- she's just red and is very very spoiled!

and then there is Boots are Mille Fleur roo with his ever so pretty feathered feet!.

We have many more chickens, but only these are the special ones.
So many GREAT names!!
We named our chickens months before we even got them.... we read the book Henny Penny to our 4 year old and she decided then that that's what we had to name our sure enough, we now have some of the characters from that book plus a few other names............
Henny penny ~ silver laced Wyandotte
Ducky Lucky ~ buff orp
Turkey Lurkey ~ mixed breed Roo
Foxy Loxy ~ mixed breed hen
Sleeping Beauty (AKA Goosey Loosey) ~ cochin banty
Rosey ~ RIR
Baby ~ mixed breed Roo

Someone told me about someone who named all of their hens after famous women who had been beheaded. I thought that was funny!
my 9 month old girls are

Molly, Polly, and Dolly they are RIR's

5 are buff orpingtons,they are
Ruby,she has the lightest color, my nephew named her
Appoline,Apple for short, she is the darkest and top girl,hubby named her
Carmel,and Lola are my daughters girls
Emma,just sweet
Adrianna,and Gabby,my son named after a girls he likes(he's 10)

We are getting 15 more babies this Spring. Even the neighbors got envolved naming them this time.

Every girl wears a numbered band. yellow for last year pink for this year. I have a sheet that has corasponding names and numbers. I love this system because if anything ever happens I know at a glance how old they are,where they fall in the flock,if the same girl was to get sick,etc.

All great names by the way folks.

I wanted Madaline, Coraline, and Adaline but was outvoted

But one of my new girls is going to be Willow, I love that name
I always name them when they are chicks, at the store, or on the way home.(I know I'm weird)
One time I had seven chickens, and they were all named. They all, except one, had one other chicken that was the same breed as them.

Special, she was the one who didn't have a 'partner', but she was very pretty, but I don't remember her breed.
Little Stripe, she had a little stripe in comparison to her partner who had a big stripe on their little yellow heads.
Big stripe, little stripes partner with a bigger stripe. I don't remember what breed they were.
Becky, the typical yellow chicken like on a movie, don't remember her exact breed, all yellow though.
Pecky, the beak-happy chick, Becky's partner.
And then there were to little Barred Plymouth Rocks, but I don't remember their names.
So basically I name them by their features.
One time I had a Barred Plymouth Rock flock when I was seven. One's name was Numby, which Isn't a word, but it came from some sort of toe issue she had that made her toe 'Numbed'
I have a small flock, so I do name them. By BCM is named Fancy, there's my first two chickens ever--Golden Buffs--daisy and Lily, then there's Laverne, Shirley and Farrah-3 Ameraucanas, and Izzy, a RIR.

I just brought home a small order of six chicks from a hatchery yesterday--2 Buff Orps, 1 Speckled Sussex, and three GLW. Only one is of the GLW chicks doesn't seem to walk very well, so hubby named it Wabbles. I hope he makes it.....

Anyhow, I do have 16 Bobwhite quail babies, and they probably won't get named......They're like little clones.....LOL

It's fun to name them, I think.
All 9 of mine have names. How I come up with them I don't know. I kinda started calling them something and it stuck.

They are:

Captain Jack
Henny Penny
Hagatha (she was mean when she was younger)

My son named my 2 Mille Fleur D'uccles

Cosmo and Wanda (we have an egg in the incubator and when (an if) it hatches it will be called Poof) go figure

Have fun naming them
My first two chickens were Crockpot and Stew.

Crockpot got renamed Colonel Sanders and went adios....

Stew is still around.

I also have Stew #2, Stew #3 and Stew #4. If I get any more RIR, I will continue the naming scheme.

My other chickens are just "chicken".
I chose a dinosaur theme.
Reptar, Bowser, Dino. but then I had to let my mom name one, Gertrude. And my sisters, Spike. and the friend that I bought them with named one Hans Christian.
Reptar is my only dinosaur left; hopefully I get a Yoshi, Petrie, and Barney this spring.
We've got three and they were given names on the day they arrived. I have a blue orphington and a lavendar ameracuna. They are named Emily and Amy after the Indigo Girls (a folk rock duo). My plymouth barred rock is named Ester because my husband and I were trying to come up with colonial sounding names and all we could think of was the Scarlet Letter. Only later did we figure out we got the main character's name wrong (Hester, not Ester), but by then Ester had stuck.

I really want to get a Brahma because growing up in Sri Lanka my favorite grand aunt had an extremely friendly and gentle brahma hen named Ghomarie. When I get a brahma I will name her Ghomarie.

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