Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

Where's Gromit? I love that you named them after Wallace and Gromit characters. My husband will get a kick out of that. I'll have to name the two roos we keep Wallace & Gromit.

Thanks for the idea.
I have 5 hens, 4 ducks and 4 geese.
2 Black Giants- Cokie and Blackjack
3 Wyandottes- Rosebud (her comb looks like a rose), Dinner (my problem child who may live up to her name if she crosses me again), and Number 3 (she has ZERO personality)
4 Campbell ducks- Wiggle, Waggle (funny walk from a broken leg), Too and Fro
3 African geese- Thanksgiving (for obvious reasons), Christmas (for the same reasons), and Angel (she looks like an angel with her beautiful eyes).
1 Toulouse goose-Frenchie
I have two Red Stars:

Belle Starr (she was the largest) and Bright Star (she was the most inquisitive)

Two EE's:

Molly (Weasley) and Minerva (McGonagall) because we are hoping for green or blues eggs that seem to be colored by "magic"

One Australorp:

Sydney (for the capital of Australia)
Love this thread! Just got two new girls today and was looking for names, we're all set now

My (finally complete) flock:

Lily & Lacey (silkie roos, we thought they were girls and the names stuck)
Betty Boop
Pepper & Truffle (aka the ninjas)

Funny how the more time you spend with your flock, even the identical ones look unique, they all have such different characters too!
We have Foghorn (our leghorn), Tootsie (named for the bumblefoot she arrived with), and Frieda Caldo (my own sick sense of humor). I have 4 babies who have outgrown their names so they need knew ones. Actually, they outgrew their baby fuzz and markings so now we don't know who is who!
We name all of ours too....Darla and Odessa are white silkies. Tallulah is a mille fleur. Josephine is a black silkie hen I brought home from NJ (lots of italians there:). And Tulip and Violet are lavender bantam ameraucanas. Love them all!
All of mine have names. Usually they're associated with their breed, but sometimes they get them due to personality or size, etc.

We have (and have had)...

Lacey - Silver Laced Wyandotte roo (that was supposed to be a she)
Sir Buffington - Buff Orpington roo (rehomed)
Black Betty - Black Australorp hen
Millie - Millie Fleur d'Uccle hen
Daisy - Millie Fleur d'Uccle hen
Maude - Cornish Rock hen
Ethel - Cornish Rock hen (deceased)
Bubba Gump - Cornish Rock roo (rehomed)
Pipsqueak - Cornish Rock roo (rehomed)
Ester - Easter Egger hen
Lucy - New Hampshire Red hen
Lily - Golden Comet hen
Anna - Brown Leghorn hen
Donna - Brown Leghorn hen
Barbara - Barred Rock X hen
Sylvia - Silver Laced Wyandotte hen
Susie - Speckled Sussex hen
Teeny - Silver Lakenvelder roo
Tiny - Silver Lakenvelder hen
Those who stay get names
I don´t name anyone I plan to eat.
So far I have Emil, Frieda, Ida and Kaja. Rooster and the first three hens we started with.
All young hens which hatched from our eggs get alphabetised names (first clutch A..., second clutch B..., etc.), it seemed easier that way to remember how old they are and such. So far we have 4 young hens from May: Anna, Bounty, Bertha and Bibi and I try to find some C and D names for the last ones of this year.
My daughter names all of our chickens:

RIR is Venus
Buff Orp is Aphrodite
SLW is Iris

She was on a Greek/Roman goddess kick and then moved on to flowers. Unfortunately, Pegasus and Tulip got eaten by predators.

Then we got an Ameracauna from our neighbors. They named her Marilyn b/c she is blond.

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