Do you name your chickens and if so how do you choose their names.

I named some of my chickens:

Pinky-my white leghorn rooster
Stinky-my rhode island red rooster
Tinky-my hen turkey
Miss Prissy-my silverduckwing/phoenix mix hen
Miss Penny-my wheaten oeg hen
Little Blue-my blue andalusian hen
Buttercup-my andalusian/white leghorn mix roo that I thought was a hen.
Dolly-my light brown leghorn hen

That's all I could think of right now.
Pinky got his name because I thought he was a hen and he was clored green when I got him.My sister named Stinky and Tinky because they rhymed with Pinky.
I name some of the birds... others I can't tell apart and I don't want to band them, so I just call them whatever.
I usually wait for the bird to "tell" me its name.
We have some splash and blue silkies from Crackers (Charlie), and one roo has a tall spiky do like Bart Simpson... he's Bart. So the other one is Homer, the pretty little Splash is Lisa, and the blue is Marge.

One of my Dorkings came from Rooster Cogburn, so of course I had to follow names from John Wayne movies... either the character name of the actor/actress name. We have Duke, Kate, Li'l Sister, and Darby so far.
But others just come to mind one day, and stick.
I brought home 3 , 1 day old chicks . And for the past 2 weeks I have been having so much fun. I never thought chickens could be so entertaining. So funny I laugh til it hurts. They also have names, how could they not? Theres Lily , Maggie and Prudance. My Grandaughter and I are totatally in love with our chickies. They live in my garden tub off my bedroom. We also bring them out in the back yard for alot of the day now. How could anybody have a pet without naming them? I can hardly wait to see what my chickies will be up to today.
my chicks:)
We call our brown leg horns - browns since they all look alike it's not way we could tell them apart if we did name them. We do name all our other chicks.
We have our roosters: Elvis (b/c he's colorful), Rock (he is a barrel rock), Big Bird and Nigil (was named when we got him)

Our hens are:
Pretty -


Then there's the cat - Rusty

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